Sunday, November 6, 2011


#1 User is online William Finley

Advanced Member

Group: Illinois Moderators
Posts: 196
Joined: 29-June 11
LocationOswego IL.

Posted Today, 11:54 AM
Dakota has started a new discussion on your group: SECURE AMERICAS BORDERS

Subject: The war no one wants to talk about. Today is National Remembrance Day
for those killed by illegal aliens
American citizens killed and countless others that have been victimized by
people who should not have been here in the first place. We hear the
argument all the time that illegals are here for the jobs, to better their
lives, Has anyone ever thought about all the victims and their families who
are and were citizens that only wanted a better life. It is not Americas job
to take care of everyone else. It is our jobs as Americans to care of our own
first. i think about the little 10 year old girl that was raped and stabbed
to death last week by an illegal alien or the woman last week that was
stabbed to death in a walmart parking lot by illegal aliens, What about their
lives, their future, their families??? They would still be alive today if the
illegal alien would have not been in the country. open borders have

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