#1 User is online William Finley
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Group: Illinois Moderators
Posts: 202
Joined: 29-June 11
LocationOswego IL.
Posted Today, 06:02 PM
From: Mairi
Subject: The American court system and 11/11/11.........
Date: November 6, 2011 8:08:50 AM PST
To: ccpga@yahoogroups.com
We are watching our liberties quickly be stolen from us. We know that probate court has become the biggest thief of private Americans' money. We know that our judiciary system is allowing "court sanctioned murder", and we know that important legislation is being initiated from the bench by progressive judges, sometimes in the hope of causing genocide.
What are Americans to do?
(LifeSiteNews.com) July, 2009, a justice of our Supreme Court made clear the reason Roe v. Wade was initiated by the bench in direct conflict with our Constitution. "The judge said that Medicaid should cover abortions, and that she had originally expected that Roe v. Wade would facilitate such coverage in order to control the population of groups 'that we don't want to have too many of.'"
PLEASE understand, that with those words, Ruth Bader-Ginsberg announced, as a Supreme Court member, that the desired effect of Roe v. Wade was genocide. Her anger was being directed at the fact that the government could not fund abortions with taxpayers' dollars, thereby making them unavailable to the poor, and most assuredly, the poor minorities.
We have watched our "Born Fighting" hero, Walter Fitzpatrick III, loyal Commander, wallow in the bowels of a Tennessee prison because, Patriots, we are being taught a lesson. Those who try to fight the corruption in our court system are going to be made an example of. Do not think for a single moment that the deplorable conditions being suffered by Commander are not intended to cause him irreparable health damage, or even death. The corrupt justices that litter the ENTIRE Tennessee court system it seems, would be everlastingly grateful if our Commander died during his confinement, and anything they can legally accomplish to make that happen.......well, we know the story of his predicament.
Mr. Windsor in Georgia is shining the light on the corruption there. Justices disgracing the bench and our Constitution in Georgia PRIDE themselves on having 100% records of ALWAYS siding against those who cannot afford attorney robber barons, and instead, litigate their cases Pro Se.
We have watched in utter disbelief, case after case brought to our courts about Barack's eligibility, and we have watched as court after court, and justice after justice has made a TOTAL and complete mockery of our unalienable right to redress of our grievances in our courts. From top to bottom, and right back up again, the courts are so corrupted that ordinary Americans have no HOPE of ever receiving "Justice" in this broken system.
Since I wrote to you yesterday, I have received even more information about problems throughout the judicial system Americans once relied on to stand between them and tyranny. That protection is GONE! The justices on the bench throughout this Nation are now equal abusers in meting out that tyranny.
Patriots, there is no place left to go, but to ourselves. I am going to ask each and every one of my Patriots to search deep into your soul and ask yourself, "Am I willing to stand back and watch others try to make this right, or will I be up to the challenge of working toward the solution?"
Veteran Defenders will be in D.C. this coming Friday, 11/11/11, to Declare American's right to Restore our Revered Constitution. Patriots, there is NO ESCAPE from the tyranny that is holding our Founding Documents hostage unless YOU make the decision to stand with those who have swore an undying Oath to our Constitution. These brave souls, and all who join them in D.C. on November 11th, will make known to every corrupt office holder that their days are numbered. That armed with the unalienable rights granted to us under Documents that recognize those very rights are NOT the government's to give or take away, Americans are taking back our lives and our liberties. Those who stand in our way will know the wrath of the American public and will be dealt with as a reminder to our posterity that we would NOT allow tyranny to wipe out the sacrifice of blood by so many generations before us.
My greatest wish is that I could be in D.C. on Friday with you. Health will not permit, but know that I am there in spirit, and I will continue to do my best to be part of the solution to the best of my abilities, so help me GOD!
In Liberty,
GOD Bless,
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