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Added on 10/26/11
Conservative Patriot
From: Kurt J Fritsch
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 7:36 PM
Subject: YOU MUST READ THIS!!! BOTH PARTS!!!: ISLAMIC ISSUES 11-212: Assault on the Truth, Part 2:
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Please see below
For the record, the assertion was not "that the more “devout” a Muslim becomes the more violent he may become."
The precise wording was on the last slide of "The Strategic Themes and Drivers in Islamic Law", "Implications:"
- "The individuals applying these values may likely be pious and devout adherents; i.e a true believer as opposed to a "radical".
Bill Gawthrop
"Tell the truth; use their words."
General George Marshall to Frank Capra
in commissioning the "Why We Fight" series.
Assault on the Truth, Part 2: How the Muslim Brotherhood Censors Federal Counterterrorism Training
Posted by John Guandolo Nov 20th 2011 at 12:46 pm in Featured Story, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Islamic extremism, Justice/Legal, Politics, Strategy, Terrorism, sharia | Comments(12)
Editor’s not: read Part 1 of Mr. Guandolo’s article here.
The Dissenters
In September 2010, a group of prominent leaders from the Intelligence and Law Enforcement community (Team B II) stepped out by producing a report entitled, “Shariah: The Threat to America” in which Islamic Law and the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Movement in America were detailed and exposed. Team Members include former Director of Central Intelligence R. James Woolsey, former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Lieutenant General Ed Soyster, former Inspector General of the Department of Defense the Honorable Joseph Schmitz, former Chief Prosecutor for Counterterrorism at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New York City Andrew McCarthy, and a host of others.
This team of people challenged the direction of the U.S. government, outlined the dangers of failing to grasp the enemy threat doctrine, and chastised government officials for working with and taking advice from a stated enemy – the Muslim Brotherhood. Since this report was published, former National Security Advisers, Attorney Generals, and other former senior U.S. officials have been briefed on this information and see the imposition of Shariah as the enemy’s threat doctrine and as a direct threat to the United States.
Team B II members teaching and training the law enforcement, intelligence, and military communities about the threat from the Islamic Movement and Shariah have increasingly come under pressure to stop their work. In February 2011, Muslim Brotherhood entities began speaking openly in government spaces, including Capitol Hill, about the “cottage industry” of counterterrorism, and railed against the “fear-mongering” that Islamic Law was “somehow a threat to Americans.” The arguments were never made factually. They were almost always ad hominem attacks, usually naming individual American citizens who were teaching or financially supporting the training efforts the government should have been conducting in the first place. However, this was the beginning of a growing overt attack on those seeking to share the factual analysis of the enemy threat doctrine with those who need to know it to perform their daily security duties.
USG Collaborating with the Enemy
The following are brief summaries of notable recent interactions between senior Muslim Brotherhood leadership in America and top U.S. government officials. An entire book could be written on just this topic, but these paint a dangerous and incomprehensible relationship between the enemy and those charged with protecting American citizens.
In a March 2011 speech given at a Muslim Brotherhood front organization called the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) in Sterling, Virginia,Deputy National Security Adviser to the President of the United States Denis McDonough praised Imam Mohamed Majid as the Executive Director of ADAMS and as the President of ISNA. McDonough said, in part: “President Obama was very grateful you (Majid) led the prayer at the White House for last summer’s Iftar Dinner…Thank you also for being one of our nation’s leading voices for the values that make America so strong, especially religious freedom and tolerance. Whether it’s here at ADAMS or as the President of the Islamic Society of North America, you have spoken with passion and eloquence, not only about your own Islamic faith, but for the need to build bridges as you’ve demonstrated here.” These comments constitute public praise (material support) for a known financial support entity of Hamas – a designated terrorist organization.
Again, this year in August, Imam Majid attended the Iftar Dinner at the White House and met with the President.
On December 1, 2010, Fox News reported that former Inspector General for the Department of Defense (DoD) Joseph Schmitz sent a letter to the Chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) in which he detailed a national security threat posed via the Muslim Chaplain program to the United States, specifically because the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) vets Muslim Chaplains for DoD and for the Bureau of Prisons (BOP). It should also be noted that Abdurahman Alamoudi, an Al Qaeda operative now in federal prison, created the Muslim Chaplain program for DoD.
The Honorable Mr. Schmitz was primarily concerned because: ISNA continues to vet Muslim Chaplains for our military and is an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest Hamas trial in U.S. history (HLF). Schmitz wrote to Senator Feinstein, “The November 2008 criminal conviction in Texas of the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) as a front for Hamas, naming of the DoD’s Chaplain Endorsing Agents, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), as an unindicted co-conspirator (among others), suggests that terrorist organizations can and do disguise themselves as charitable organizations.” Additionally Schmitz wrote, “The November 2009 Fort Hood massacre by a commissioned Army officer who served as a lay Muslim leader at Fort Hood demonstrates that international terrorist organizations can also try to disguise their agents as chaplains and religious lay leaders.” The threat this poses to American citizens is clear and imminent.
At the end of March 2011 at a U.S. House of Representatives Committee hearing on the civil rights of Muslims, U.S. Senator Richard Durbin, who called the hearing, openly praised ISNA for their help in the preparation of the hearing. Two of ISNA’s Directors, Mohamed Elsanousi and Sayyid Sayeed, were present in the Committee room. El Sanousi shook Senator Durbin’s hand on camera after the hearing.
In fact, the leadership of ISNA works with Secretary of State Clinton as a part of an “interfaith outreach” program, and Imam Mohamed Majid sits on DHS Secretary Napolitano’s “Countering Violent Extremism Working Group.” That’s the leader of a financial support entity for Hamas advising the Secretary of Homeland Security. Fact.
On June 20, 2011 at Georgetown University, senior Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood leadership represented by ISNA, CAIR, MPAC, and others were present at a conference with some of the most senior U.S. government officials. Invited to this event were the DHS Assistant Secretary for Policy Development, the Principal Deputy for DHS’ Office of Intelligence and Analysis, the Director of DOJ’s COPS Office, senior FBI leadership, the Review and Compliance Officer for DHS’s Civil Rights Division, the Associate Director for the White House Office of Public Engagement, the Special Representative to Muslim Communities for the State Department, the Policy Adviser for DHS’s Civil Rights Office, Members of the U.S. Homeland Security Advisory Committee, leadership from the National Counterterrorism Center, and others. Notice the number of “policy advisers” listed. This highlights an ongoing relationship between senior leaders of our enemies and senior U.S. government officials, and helps explain the changing policies at FBI, DHS, State Department and elsewhere which are favorable towards the Muslim Brotherhood
The effect of this relationship can be seen at the ground level. A Counterterrorism training program scheduled for August 2011 at CIA Headquarters was shut down after Hamas (doing business as CAIR) complained that an “Islamophobic” trainer was going to participate. The trainer was Stephen Coughlin, a trained intelligence officer and an attorney who worked for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs as the Islamic Law expert in matters relating to the doctrinal drivers of Jihad. His factual analysis of Islamic Law took a back seat to complaints publicly made by Hamas, and the CIA caved. More importantly, the hundreds of intelligence and law enforcement professionals who would have attended did not hear the truth about Shariah – exactly the enemy’s objective.
In September 2011, an article appeared at an online site – Wired/Danger Room – and continued the assault on fact-based analysis of Islam when it assailed FBI training conducted by William Gawthrop, in which he was attacked for his assertion that the more “devout” a Muslim becomes the more violent he may become. The assertion made was that those who adhere to Shariah are prone to become violent (a Jihadi). In fact, jihad is a requirement under Islamic Law – a statement which the news of the day consistently demonstrates to be correct. Other articles followed calling for an end to the “Islamophobic” and “bigoted” training within the FBI.
On October 6th, Director of the FBI, Robert Mueller III, testified on Capitol Hill and was asked about the counterterrorism training program within the FBI. Responding to questions from Rep. Janice Schakowsky, the Director stated: “We have undertaken a review from top to bottom of our counterterrorism training. I think these are isolated incidents, and in the course of that review, we’ve had outreach to academicians and others to assist us in reviewing the materials and assuring that that offensive content does not appear…In this particular instance, reports of what had been in that training came up from the students, and we took action to assure that that inappropriate, offensive content was not provided to others.” Translation: The FBI is using academicians to ensure they don’t offend anyone, regardless of the veracity of the information. The Director also admitted the FBI has to outsource its expertise on the threat he continues to testify is the greatest threat to the United States.
On October 19, 2011, Department of Justice Officials joined ISNA’s President Imam Majid (remember, ISNA = financial support entity for Hamas) and others at the George Washington University Law School where the Muslim Brotherhood leader demanded to see: (1) Increased interfaith education and programming at the local level; and (2) tangible steps taken by the government to investigate and eradicate the discriminatory FBI training practices. This is the Muslim Brotherhood giving DOJ its marching orders.
At this conference, Deputy U.S. Attorney General James Cole confirmed President Obama’s administration was eliminating all training materials used for the law enforcement and national security communities referencing Islam because some “Muslim groups” (read: Muslim Brotherhood) claim the training is “offensive” (ie a violation of the Islamic Law of Slander). Cole said, “I recently directed all components of the Department of Justice to re-evaluate their training efforts in a range of areas, from community outreach to national security.”
The same day as this conference, as if co-ordinated, Salam al-Marayati, the President of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), published an article in the Los Angeles Times entitled “The Wrong Way to Fight Terrorism: Law enforcement and intelligence agencies’ continued use of anti-Muslim training materials could lead to the collapse of a critical partnership with the Muslim American community” in which he threatened to cut off all cooperation between the Muslim community and the FBI. Marayati further demanded the FBI “issue a clear and unequivocal apology to the Muslim American community” and “establish a thorough and transparent vetting process in selecting its trainers and materials.” The statement is nothing short of a demand to submit FBI policy to Muslim Brotherhood oversight. Notwithstanding the FBI has received nearly zero actionable intelligence from the American Muslim community at-large since 9/11, this article is a threatening Muslim Brotherhood propaganda piece timed to coincide with an attack on the factual analysis and evidence-based training/educational effort. Since Marayati’s pro-Hezbollah positions are well documented, it has to be asked why DHS would continue to work with Marayati and allow MPAC to train its TSA security agents. Thus, this highlights the root of the problem – another example of the fox in the hen house.
In October 2011, Secretary Napolitano faced aggressive questioning by Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas during a House Committee Hearing. Congressman Gohmert grilled Ms. Napolitano about Mohamed Elibiary, a suspected Muslim Brother and overt supporter of the Ayatollah Khomeni of Iran, who works on the DHS Homeland Advisory Committee. It was discovered that Elibiary, who holds a “Secret” clearance, logged on to and downloaded internal documents from a DHS database to demonstrate cases of “Islamophobia” which he tried to feed to the media – and was rejected – as well as discredit Governor Perry as an “Islamophobe.” Elibiary was subsequently removed from his position with the state security apparatus of Texas. No action has yet been taken by DHS.
In fact, FBI agents across the country who train other agents and FBI employees on these matters are now, today, being ordered to whitewash their fact/evidence-based presentations on the Muslim Brotherhood’s movement, and Islamic doctrine (Shariah), the ideology which drives “terrorists,” the MB, and the like. Agents have been ordered to remove words and phrases from their materials identifying Shariah (Islamic Law) as the basis for the threat we face. A logical question for the U.S. Attorney General might be: “Will you go back and remove the linkage between violence conducted by Muslims identifying themselves as “jihadis” in America and their adherence to Islamic Law from the very affidavits your DOJ supported in numerous prosecutions?” The DOJ and FBI ordering their employees to disregard facts in order to keep from “offending” known terrorist organizations is not only “Obstruction of Justice” it constitutes “Material Support of Terrorism.”
As a matter of fact, the government, with DHS as the lead agency, is creating “Training Standards” to ensure government employees and those at the state level are trained in accordance with the Muslim Brotherhood’s standards. How do we know this? The DHS issued “Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Training Guidance and Best Practices” was put together by the CVE Working Group which has senior Muslim Brothers on it, to include Mohamed Majid (ISNA). The move by the MB to push the “Standards” out through DHS, which will be imposed on federal employees and others, seeks to completely control the education and training of the federal agents who are and will be investigating the very groups involved in producing this policy.
To put a capstone on the evidence of the government being used as a puppet of our enemy, one need not look farther than the U.S. Attorney in Portland, Oregon, Dwight C. Holton. Holton who oversaw the prosecution of Mohamed Osman Mohamud (Christmas Tree Bomber) recently said: “I want to be perfectly clear about this: training materials that portray Islam as a religion of violence or with a tendency towards violence are wrong, they are offensive, and they are contrary to everything that this president, this attorney general and Department of Justice stands for. They will not be tolerated.” Such training materials “pose a significant threat to national security because they play into the false narrative propagated by terrorists that the United States is at war with Islam,” he added.
Training materials which factually link violence (jihad) to Islamic Law which our enemies rely on to wage war against us “will not be tolerated.” Actually, teaching this fact-based information, in the eyes of a U.S. Attorney constitutes a “significant threat to national security.” We are truly witnessing the complete dismantling of the factual basis by which we can first define and then orient against the enemy – and it is our government that is doing it. This is what is meant when the Muslim Brotherhood says Civilization Jihad by OUR hands.
Men and women inside and outside of the United States government have, for several years now, taught a fact/evidence-based program revealing that “violent Islamist extremists” identify themselves as the “Islamic Movement” (violent jihadis like Al Qaeda, subversive drivers like the Muslim Brotherhood, and the nation states supporting them all). These training programs clearly and factually demonstrate that Shariah (Islamic Law) provides the doctrinal basis for the basis used by this enemy to wage war against us. When the leadership within the government shuts down this fact-based discussion in furtherance of serving to quell “Islamophobia” and keep their Muslim Brotherhood advisers happy, it transgresses into a place that in any other situation would easily constitute material support for a stated enemy, and is demonstrative of a catastrophic failure of the very entities legally charged with protecting all American citizens.
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