Thursday, September 8, 2011


The Role of Government‏

9:19 AM
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Tim Cox

The Role of Government 9/8/11

When did it become the role of government to create jobs?

Is America so lost that we need a president who has never worked in the private sector to tell us how to create jobs? Didn’t we create jobs for the last 200 years without the help of Big Brother?

This week's action item: Contact Meet the Press; suggest GOOOH as topic for their show.

Whatever happened to the concept of a limited federal government? Do you think it has even crossed the minds of the politicians that maybe they should just get out of the way?

Our government is bankrupt. It has no money. Politicians print and borrow by the trillions, not understanding doing so only exacerbates the problem.

Politicians do not have an answer. They have nothing to offer but catchy slogans and more spending. If government spending was the solution, wouldn’t $15 trillion of borrowing have solved everything by now? As for slogans, has anything changed? What hope can we have with politicians of either party in the way?

It is time we address the root cause of our problems. It should be crystal clear to every person in the country the problem is POLITICIANS! Until we select leaders who do not care about party or career, the situation will only get worse. We do not have much time.

Imagine what would happen if we elected men and women who would serve the people. Instead of borrowing even more money, would we shut down failed bureaucracies like Fannie, Freddie and the Department of Education? Would we see ridiculous regulations eliminated and our legal system reformed? Would the tax code be simplified and egregious retirement packages cancelled? Would there be major reductions in foreign aid and farm subsidies? Would our troops be stationed along our own borders instead of living in bases on foreign soil?

What we know for certain is that nothing of significance will change if we continue electing the same politicians. If we send 90% of the same people back to Washington, the only thing that will change will be the magnitude of our debt and the severity of the problem. Hope will be gone.

We have it in our power to elect new leaders. Every seat in the U.S. House of Representatives is up for vote. We have a simple way to challenge incumbents in the primaries. That is where they are vulnerable. We will begin selecting candidates in two months. Will you help lead the effort in your district? As a reminder, we will be asking for donations in two weeks. Are you prepared to help us launch the effort?

We ask all members to promote GOOOH daily on your Facebook pages. Follow @GOOOH on Twitter and retweet our messages. Join groups like FreedomConnector or post in forums like The Daily Show. Reach out to others searching for ways to force governmental change (these are just examples).

Most importantly, convince five others to join us. Our success depends entirely on you.

In Liberty,

Tim Cox


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