RenewAmerica Newsletter
September 22, 2011
Latest columns
The candidates and debates: a candid review
Wes Vernon
The Rick Perry/Mitt Romney political "horserace"
Chris Adamo
Who is to share the pain?
Rudy Takala
The heart of political disagreement
Robert Meyer
Christian giving
Dan Popp
A new chorus for the mob
Cindy Simpson
The Security Sex
Selwyn Duke
Marriage matters
Ken Connor
Michelle the menu micromanager
Jeannie DeAngelis
Talking about the HPV vaccine is now called fear mongering and morally indefensible
Cynthia A. Janak
Obama's platform: breaking the 8th and 10th commandments
Bryan Fischer
Will Bishop Zurek become Planned Parenthood's person of the year for sabotaging Father Pavone and Priests for Life?
Michael Gaynor
America, Canada and Mexico: headed for a payday?
Michael Bresciani
Texas redistricting: forget about 'justice,' Obama's DOJ is all about politics
Warner Todd Huston
ObamaCare's individual mandate: A new twist on old-fashioned central control
Monte Kuligowski
"Sticks and stones" and Down syndrome eugenics
Kurt Kondrich
The 'Yes We Can' 2012 Tchotchke Mart
Jeannie DeAngelis
HPV studies -- Inclusion and exclusion roulette wheel
Cynthia A. Janak
Why would anyone live in the U.P. of Michigan? [a change of "pace"]
Curtis Dahlgren
Obama's anti-Wall Street rhetoric blamed for mounting protests
Jim Kouri
Martin Luther King's 2011 memorial stirs memories of 1968
Wes Vernon
Five wars, 63 years of terrorism, and Israel survives
Alan Caruba
Homosexuals in high places -- 'gay' Irish senator David Norris and 'the Greek thing,' Part II
Randy Engel
What happened to the Constitution?
Henry Lamb
HPV reports to FDA -- oversight, errors and/or omission. That is the question.
Cynthia A. Janak
McGinniss book about Palin: yet another attack on America
Lloyd Marcus
The town government with more cars than employees
Warner Todd Huston
The let-illegals-drive-without-a-license bill
Jeannie DeAngelis
Netanyahu: Time for action, not just words!
Larry Klayman
HPV -- Let the safety challenges begin
Cynthia A. Janak
Lessons from my plumber
A.J. DiCintio
Thank goodness for NFL football!
Paul A. Ibbetson
The vision that started a lifetime of prophetic ministry
Michael Bresciani
Fr. Frank Pavone: a rush to judgment
Judie Brown
Tank this book!
Mark Ellis
That presidential look: the bad, the beautiful and voting-booth realities
Selwyn Duke
Can the bagpipes and catch the terrorists?
Jeannie DeAngelis
Bachmann, HPV, and Perry -- Thank you for bringing the HPV vaccines back into the spotlight
Cynthia A. Janak
Are Evangelical Christians warmongers?
Chuck Baldwin
Colombia's intelligence director facing 25 years in prison
Jim Kouri
Michigan House moves to ban union dues deducted from teachers' paychecks
Warner Todd Huston
Democrat, thy name is Judas
Hassan Nurullah
Tea Party Express V: a spiritual thing
Lloyd Marcus
COLLEGE ORIENTATION 101, Week 4; "ammo for the soul"
Curtis Dahlgren
More columns
September 22, 2011
The candidates and debates: a candid review
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — As this is written, we're looking forward to the next Republican debate. It's early in the election cycle, but not too early to be thinking about which candidate is (1) right on the issues, and (2) electable... (more)
September 21, 2011
Why young Americans can't think morally
DENNIS PRAGER — Last week, David Brooks of the New York Times wrote a column on an academic study concerning the nearly complete lack of a moral vocabulary among most American young people. Here are excerpts from Brooks's summary of the study of Americans aged 18 to 23... (more)
September 21, 2011
Barack Obama's desperate Hail Mary
DR. MILTON R. WOLF — "We are witnessing the unmistakable collapse of an American presidency." I wrote those words in this space almost one year ago, and events continue to prove them true. It seems the president himself now recognizes this reality. Thus his desperate Hail Mary... (more)
September 21, 2011
Rick Perry is right about Social Security
WALTER WILLIAMS — During the recent GOP presidential debate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry said that Social Security is a "monstrous lie" and a "Ponzi scheme." More and more people are coming to see that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme, but is it a lie, as well? Let's look at it... (more)
September 21, 2011
Rivals ask: is Perry weak on the right, or left?
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Rick Perry's Republican rivals are struggling to find a coherent, easy-to-grasp argument against the Texas governor, who tops GOP presidential polls despite attacks from all sides. In fact, it's the "all sides" nature that complicates the opposition's message. Republican voters who watched last week's presidential debate and its aftermath might wonder... (more)
September 21, 2011
Rick Perry on Mitt Romney: 'Sounding like a Democrat'
POLITICO — The two top candidates in the GOP race, Mitt Romney and Rick Perry, are telegraphing their punches on an issue that will likely be dominant at tomorrow's presidential debate - Social Security - which takes place in senior-heavy Florida... (more)
Perry hits Romney: "We don't need Obama lite"
New Rick Perry ad slams Obama as "President Zero"
Perry’s immigration views could turn off GOP base
September 21, 2011
Obama 'looks like Alfred E. Neuman' in goofy wave
WORLDNETDAILY — A photo at the United Nations is turning into a diplomatic embarrassment for President Obama who was caught waving in the image, covering the face of another world leader... (more)
September 21, 2011
Ground Zero mosque opens in New York
LOS ANGELES TIMES — An Islamic community center that fueled angry demonstrations because of its proximity to the site of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks has opened quietly in Lower Manhattan, drawing no protesters but bringing words of regret from the developer for not consulting with Sept. 11 survivors during its planning... (more)
September 21, 2011
No to the Palestinian 'state'
NATIONAL REVIEW — There is no such thing as a Palestinian state, and the United Nations can't conjure one into existence. That apparently won't stop the Palestinians from seeking recognition as a state in the Security Council this week. We should veto the Palestinian effort without hesitation... (more)
September 21, 2011
Rasmussen poll: 56% favor repeal of Obamacare
NEWSMAX — A majority of respondents to a Rasmussen Reports telephone survey said they would like to see a repeal of President Barack Obama's national healthcare law, which will go into effect in 2014. Of the 1,000 U.S. voters polled Sept. 16 and 17, 56 percent "somewhat" favored repeal, while 44 percent "strongly" favored it... (more)
September 21, 2011
Freedom in education: Slowly but surely
ERIC RETZLAFF — Sometimes an idea's time has come, and sometimes not. Back in 1985, as a Schenectady Gazette staffer, I wrote a column contending that the quasi-monopoly misnamed "public education" wasn't really the best thing for education and for the country. This wasn't anywhere near a mainstream idea at the time. I argued, and still argue, on two counts... (more)
September 21, 2011
USA Today/Gallup poll: Americans shift economic blame to Obama
NEWSMAX — President Barack Obama's claim that he's not to blame for the country's faltering economy is falling on deaf ears. For the first time since Obama took office, a majority of Americans say he deserves a great deal or moderate amount of blame for the economy, a new a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds... (more)
September 21, 2011
Obama: taxing the economy to death
DONALD LAMBRO — One thing should be clear about President Obama's preposterous, job-killing proposal to raise taxes on a comatose economy that's barely breathing, let alone fully functioning. It is dead on arrival on Capitol Hill... (more)
September 20, 2011
Obama's global green tax
PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY — We are now beginning to grasp the definition and the scope of the words "new world order," an expression inserted into the U.S. political vocabulary by the first President Bush. He never defined it, leaving that task to his successors, and President Barack Obama is only too glad to expand its meaning... (more)
September 20, 2011
Pat Boone calls Obama's birth certificate 'a fraud'
WORLDNETDAILY — Iconic singer, actor and WND columnist Pat Boone is unconvinced by President Obama's release of an image of a Hawaiian "Certificate of Life Birth" in support of his claim to be constitutionally eligible for the presidency. "I was in Kenya about a year and a half ago, and everyone there says, you know, your president was born here," he told an interviewer for the San Francisco Chronicle... (more)
September 19, 2011
Supreme Court justice to Kelo defendant: 'I'm sorry'
HARTFORD COURANT — If a state Supreme Court judge approaches a journalist at a private dinner and says something newsworthy about an important decision, is the journalist free to publish the statement? I faced that situation at a dinner honoring the Connecticut Supreme Court at the New Haven Lawn Club on May 11, 2010... (more)
September 19, 2011
Martin Luther King's 2011 memorial stirs memories of 1968
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — The unveiling of Martin Luther King's memorial -- now set for October 16 -- brings to mind all the controversies surrounding his crusade, as well as the general political upheaval that made 1968 the pivotal turning point of the late -- and perhaps the entire -- 20th century... (more)
September 19, 2011
UN session hostile to Israel will end Obama's Jewish support
GARY BAUER — If last week's special election in New York exposed President Obama's "Jewish problem," then this week's session of the United Nations General Assembly will expose how unserious he is about solving it... (more)
September 19, 2011 is the administration's latest propaganda arm
DAVID LIMBAUGH — President Obama's official re-election campaign has set up a website ostensibly to defend him against false attacks, but its obvious purpose is to smear Republicans and propagandize. What could be more shameless?... (more)
September 19, 2011
How Palin could beat Obama now
JOSEPH FARAH — Lots of folks are still wondering whether Sarah Palin is going to jump into the 2012 Republican presidential campaign. But if she really wants to make history, I have a bigger and better idea for her. First of all, let's explore her options... (more)
September 19, 2011
Pentagon: Ready for gay ban repeal Tuesday
ASSOCIATED PRESS — The Pentagon says the military is adequately prepared for the official lifting Tuesday of the legal ban on gays serving openly. Press secretary George Little said Monday that the ban will end at one minute after midnight. At that time, revised Defense Department regulations will take effect, to reflect the new law that will allow gays to serve openly... (more)
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