Don't Be Fooled, It's Us against Them
As the nation suffers through tele-prompted speeches, scripted "debates" and sound-bitten news, the current charade being acted out by the supposed choices among the sham two-party system candidates becomes more and more obvious. Meanwhile, the foxes still guard the hen house!
In a little-noticed 52-45 September vote, the Senate just blocked an ostensible attempt by Republicans to retard the process of the U.S. lifting its borrowing authority by $500 billion to $15.19 trillion, enough to fund the federal government at present levels through late January or early February.
super CommitteeThe duplicitous vote procedure was designed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.), to guarantee an increase of the borrowing limit while allowing most Republicans to vote against such an increase with some dramatic delay to satisfy conservatives.
Democrats held firm, however, rejecting the resolution of disapproval and speeding up the process – which increased the borrowing limit immediately and spoiled McConnell's and Boehner's effect of political theatre.
The next increase in the borrowing limit in the first quarter of 2012, requires a majority of the so-called "Super-Committee" to endorse a deal cutting at least $1.2 trillion from federal budget deficits over the next decade.
Republican presidential primary candidates, like most Republican and Democrat Congressional opponents, wage a war of words over their plans and policies, but their agendas amount to pretty much the same thing. Big government or bigger government. Ruinous deficit spending or insanely ruinous deficit spending. Rampant irresponsibility and political pandering. And all over Washington – both major parties just love socialism, either Socialism Heavy (Democrats) or Socialism Lite (Republicans).
Anyone who genuinely stands against big government socialism, yet defends America's constitutional obligations of sovereignty, the parties and the media elites blast as incompetent or heartless, inexperienced or crazy. At all costs, almost any such candidate is marginalized and ridiculed, and blocked from real access to political competition.
Meanwhile, among We the People, demands for moral and fiscal discipline that defend liberty go begging for true champions.
Who will in deeds, not just in focus-group tested words, offer the way truly to escape the steadily constricting meshes of government control and domination?
Rep DebateIt's encouraging that an ever-growing number of Americans are agreeing that these United States must change course, and return to her Constitutional foundations. Sadly, though, too many voters have yet to realize that the twin-party politicians (mostly in the GOP) now scrambling to pose as their champions are themselves utterly addicted to resources of political power and influence they cannot obtain except by constantly expanding the government's control over the nation's money and other resources.
This national election is absolutely critical to the survival of America as a free, self-governing republic. Gullible people MUST STOP cooperating in the current game of "fool the voter" politics, which relies on subterfuge, and uses the lion's share of government spending to sustain the regime of special-interest bribery on which both the Republican and Democrat parties base their power.
Instead of the politics that uses public resources to bribe people, we need to forge a way of doing politics that restricts public resources to uses that serve the good of the whole people – their common good – while leaving it to individuals and their private associations to take primary responsibility for particular interests that fall short of or transcend that common good.
This means that instead of an approach based on squabbling about where government may properly be limited, we need to boldly return to debate about those few essential areas where government may Constitutionally operate.
When someone is suffering from a life-threatening ailment, accurate diagnosis is a critical step toward successful treatment. So even people who aren't just lip-service conservatives ought perhaps to be forgiven for reacting with an upwelling of grateful enthusiasm when someone like Sarah Palin makes a show of taking on the Obamaniacs and their fellow travelers with the seemingly blunt declaration that "It's the spending, stupid."
If I were willing to correct one ad hominem sound bite with another, I would suggest that it might be more accurate to say "It's the socialism, stupid" or more descriptively, "It's the power-addicted, self-aggrandizing, elitist, twin-party politics, stupid."
We know, from the self-evident truths of our Declaration, that the purpose of legitimate government is to secure our God-given and unalienable rights. This is only possible with the free consent of the governed, which means that the primary responsibility for right action rests with individuals, not with the government. This in turn suggests that we cannot achieve the lawful aim of government if government's power undermines and destroys the power of conscientious individuals.
The notion that government bears the primary and indispensable responsibility for society's welfare directly contradicts the Declaration's concept of individual rights. The fact that individuals bear primary responsibility for right action doesn't mean that they must act each alone. The family is the paradigm of government based upon consent, in which, though indisputably possessing greater material strength, the parents give in to the inclinations of their hearts, making themselves willing servants of the otherwise helpless infants God has entrusted to their care.
This paradigm of natural family government contains the seed for an understanding of economic life that offers an alternative welfare-state socialism. Americans unwilling to surrender their liberty will have to look in themselves, and in "leadership' of the two parties, if our nation is to be saved. Not for much longer can we tolerate leaders who are willing to pretend that government can do for us what the authority of God has disposed us to do for ourselves.
These are trying times for our country. The parties and factions now in power in Washington, D.C. are so radical, so corrupt, so compromised, that reasonable citizens rightfully wonder if our country will survive in liberty.
Will enough right-thinking men and women stand forward in time to stop our decline, and successfully mitigate the damage that is being done by socialist, tyrannical policies that those in power refuse to resist? As of today, this remains an open question.
I believe we MUST find and support candidates for federal office who can truly help lead the effort to save America. They may be Republicans; they may be running independently or third party.
They must understand the moral imperative that is at the heart of our battle to save this republic, and preserve decent liberty for our posterity. They must recognize that the innocent child in the womb is a person, made in the image of our Creator God and endowed with the same unalienable rights as you or me. They must know that without obedience to God's authority, an abiding respect for the individual freedoms guaranteed under our Constitutional system of ordered liberty, and a priority for the common good, tyranny triumphs – and all the best intentions of fiscal and economic reform will count for naught. They will need firm faith, joined with a disciplined mind to inform their life and service, and a heart with the courage and the will to carry their convictions into public policy, in fulfillment of their sworn oath of office.
Please help Conservative Majority PAC find and support such patriot candidates for 2012, that we may secure America's future as a bastion of freedom!
Keep Faith,
Alan Keyes
Chairman, Conservative Majority PAC
To send a check, please mail to:
Conservative Majority PAC
PO Box 131973
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