Monday, August 29, 2011


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Politician Censors Town Hall - Police Seize Cameras

Click here to watch the video and read the entire post

"Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes Responds to Shocking Video of Citizens' Rights Being Violated"

This is like something out of Soviet Russia. Apparently, now only "authorized journalists" (as in "state authorized propaganda agents") are allowed to film politicians as they "interact" with the public. The public, as in you "little people," are not allowed to film. "You are not the press," the officer snaps as he disarms a man of his camera. Apparently this officer has not heard of blogging, or citizen journalism.

Or perhaps he has heard of those, and that is exactly what he and his masters are trying to stop. Bottom line is that you are not a safe, friendly, dependable "authorized journalist" and letting you film, letting you report or blog on what you see, well, that would be "dangerous" and must be stopped for "security reasons" to "protect the constituents" though none of the constituents are complaining about being filmed.

In this video, large news cameras are clearly pointing not just at the congresscritter, but also at the audience. But the news media cameramen are left alone. They are free to film everyone, and anyone at this public event. Only the audience members are coerced into surrendering their cameras, with the obvious threat of force contained in the 'law enforcement" officer's words when he says 'I'm not going to ask you again" and "are we going to do this the easy way, or the hard way."

When a citizen asserts her rights, and says it is not against the law, the officer replies with "yes it is. That's what I've been told.' Apparently, this officer has moved from enforcing whatever laws are actually passed to just enforcing whatever the politician or his staff says. He is now a "decree-by-our-betters enforcement officer."

This is disturbing and disgusting. And this is a Republican politician. Don't think for an instant that it is only the leftist politicians who consider you beneath them, and beneath their pals in the state authorized mainstream media.

Folks, you are being treated, at best, like children in a day-care center, or, at worst, like inmates in a prison, or like sheep with wolves as the supposed "sheep dogs.' Get out of line, the man comes and takes you away.

This facade of normalcy -- this soft, thinly veiled despotism -- cannot last much longer before either the mask- and the gloves -- come off, and we are subdued under an open tyranny, or we the people put a stop to it once and for all, throwing off the shackles that are being forged around our ankles, by means of "laws" and "rules" and decrees by 'authorities" who make up law as they go. We are in that twilight zone in between the two, between liberty and slavery, but that is not going to stay that way. It will go one way or the other. Which will it be? Which will you leave your children in? -- Stewart Rhodes

Click here to watch the Video and to comment

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