Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chicago Grassroots React to State of the Union--Obama, The Big Let Down

Who's 'godless' now? Russia says it's U.S. - Washington Times

Who's 'godless' now? Russia says it's U.S. - Washington Times

ICE Data Shows Mexicans Get Special Treatment | Judicial Watch

ICE Data Shows Mexicans Get Special Treatment | Judicial Watch

State of the Union 2014 fact check

State of the Union 2014 fact check

Democrats: Cede the House to save the Senate

Democrats: Cede the House to save the Senate

Barack Obama's insidious master plan for the United States?

Barack Obama's insidious master plan for the United States?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Navy SEAL Benjamin Smith says Obama is a Muslim & Drops Koran Quran on G...

Feds Cannot Require A State To Carry Out Federal Acts

Feds Cannot Require A State To Carry Out Federal Acts

The Economic State of the Union Is Weak

And getting weaker.

Is Obama an Imperial President? 

He has a pen and he likes to write Executive Orders. Congress is of no concern to him. He has an agenda and he believes he knows what is best for you. The Constitution is just a piece of paper that gets in his way. He wants to rule by his pen. Opposition to him is vilified by the media.

Vote Today!

Sunday, January 26, 2014


The Most Dangerous Man in American History: “The Republic For Which It Stands.”


Ripley MS City Council - 2nd Amendment

YES OBAMA IS A TERRORIST- Walid Shoebat Interview on Savage Nation Radio

YES OBAMA IS A TERRORIST- Walid Shoebat Interview on Savage Nation Radio

Understanding Madison’s Notes on Nullification

Understanding Madison’s Notes on Nullification


Saturday, January 25, 2014

To all TEA Team USA members,
On March 1st in Tampa, Florida, we will be "celebrating our Constitution and the freedoms it represents."  The 'Great Awakening' rally represents a chance for us to make our voices heard loud and clear that the Constitution, and the Constitution alone, is the law of our land... period.
All TEA Team USA members are welcome...bring your family...bring your it's high time that we patriots take our country back!
Wild Bill is one of the featured speakers and I will also be saying a few words.
Hope to see you there and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.
As always...For God and Country.
Wild Bill for America / Founder and President of TEA Teams USA                                                         Diane Sori National Director of TEA Teams USA                    

Welcome to Jobless America

Welcome to Jobless America

Supreme Court Positioned To Repeal 4th Amendment'

Discussion posted by Ralph E WallSrAdmin:

Earlier this week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Navarette v California, a case in which a wrong decision will effectively re...

Discussion link:
Supreme Court Positioned To Repeal 4th Amendment

About Tea Party Com

Homeland Security Secretary: Illegals Have ‘Earned Right to be Citizens’ | CNS News

Homeland Security Secretary: Illegals Have ‘Earned Right to be Citizens’ | CNS News

You've gotten Al Franken's attention and his campaign fears you.  This week, Franken's campaign uploaded a message to their campaign website warning his supporters of our efforts here at the Conservative Campaign Committee to defeat him:
Franken's campaign notes that we are preparing to launch our first round of "Defeat Al Franken" TV ads and asks his supporters to help him raise $25,000 to fight back.
So here's our goal:  if Al Franken's campaign is going to raise $25,000 to fight back against us, then we are going to give it a full court press so we can raisemore than $25,000 to defeat him!
You can support our "Defeat Al Franken" TV ad campaign by making a contribution online - HERE.
You can contribute as little as $5 up to the maximum allowed contribution of $5,000.  We will need 75 people to contribute $100 or more in the next 24 hours.  If you can afford to make a contribution of $100 or more - PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Al Franken must be defeated.
Franken wrote to the IRS and asked them to investigate and harass conservative organizations.
Franken voted for higher taxes, higher deficits, Obama's stimulus and he not only supported military intervention in Syria, he urged Barack Obama to go forward without seeking congressional authorization.
Here's the good news:  New polls show Franken is in serious trouble and might lose his re-election bid.
We need your help to pay for our TV ad campaign to "Defeat Al Franken."  Please make the most generous contribution you can afford and we'll drive Franken's poll numbers even lower and boot him out of the Senate once and for all!
To contribute online - JUST CLICK HERE.
You can contribute any amount from as little as $5 up to the maximum amount of $5,000.  We are going to need 500 people to make a contribution of $100 or more to pay for our "Defeat Al Franken" TV ad campaign.  To make a contribution of $100 or more - CLICK HERE.
And you don't have to wait for our new TV ad campaign to help defeat Senator Franken.
We also have our ongoing radio ad campaign that informs Minnesota voters of Al Franken's vote records where Franken has scored a pathetic 0% from group after group.  Our ad reveals that the following organizations have scored Franken with a 0% rating:
  • Citizens Against Government Waste. Franken received 0% rating.
  • National Association of Manufacturers:  Franken received 0% rating.
  • Campaign for Working Families:  Franken received 0% rating.
  • Concerned Women for America:  Franken received 0% rating.
  • American Library Association:  Franken received 0% rating.
  • Sportsmen and Animal Owner’s Voting Alliance:  Franken received 0% rating.
  • American Conservative Union: Franken received 0% rating
You can support our new ad campaign by making a contribution of any amount from as little as $5 up to the maximum allowed contribution of $5,000.  To support our efforts, please make an online contribution - HERE
If Al Franken is defeated in his upcoming re-election campaign, Democrats could very well lose control of the Senate.  And a loss by Al Franken would be an especially crippling blow to Harry Reid - you see Al Franken has been one of Harry Reid's most loyal lieutenants, regularly campaigning for Reid to rally union members and other Democrat groups to support Reid's political career.
Below are photos of Al Franken supporting his close political ally, Harry Reid:
You can help us take away Harry Reid's ally, Al Franken, by supporting our independent expenditure TV and radio ad campaign that we will soon begin running against Al Franken - CONTRIBUTE HERE.
Oh and did we mention there is someone else heavily invested in seeing Al Franken re-elected?  That's right, Barack Obama:
Let's deprive Barack Obama of one of his most loyal votes in the U.S. Senate, so that we can block Obama's agenda completely.  Support our campaign to "Defeat Al Franken" - CONTRIBUTE HERE.
Friends, we MUST defeat Al Franken in the upcoming midterm elections.
With Franken already amassing a warchest of over $1.2 million and launching his Senate re-election campaign, we here at the Conservative Campaign Committee are launching our TV and radio ad campaigns to "Defeat Al Franken" and we need your support.
You can also mail in a contribution to our headquarters here:
Conservative Campaign Committee
ATTN: Campaign to Defeat Al Franken
P.O. Box 1585
Sacramento, CA 95812
Paid for and authorized by the Conservative Campaign Committee.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This message was intended for:

 '171 Bills passed by the House of Representatives are sitting in the Senate:'
Please share this. Check out this list of bills that are waiting to be picked up in the Senate. More at the link posted. What say you?

Discussion posted by Asst Natl Dir Melony B. DeFord:

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (VA-R) has a new website up and running called "Bill Tracker". As of this minute there is a running list...

Discussion link:
171 Bills passed by the House of Representatives are sitting in the Senate:[p

About Tea Party Command Center

Narcissism Part of Presidential Job Description, Professor Says | CNS News

Narcissism Part of Presidential Job Description, Professor Says | CNS News

Who’s Afraid of the “Big, Bad Tea Party”? | RedState

Who’s Afraid of the “Big, Bad Tea Party”? | RedState

Friday, January 24, 2014

 '11 of the Worst ObamaCare Horror Stories'
And this is only the beginning.

Discussion posted by Linda Hahn, admin:

1 – Hunter Alford Hunter, a 7 year old Texas boy, suffers from a rare form of cancer called Plexiform Hishocyne Neoplasm.  According to ne...

Discussion link:
11 of the Worst ObamaCare Horror Stories

About Tea Party Command Center

Thursday, January 23, 2014

North Carolina Democrat Senator Kay Hagan is one of the most vulnerable Senate Democrats facing re-election.  And that is why Hagan is desperate to avoid public appearances with Barack Obama:
Kay Hagan can try and run and hide as much as she wants, but with your help, we're going to make sure voters know the truth about her.
The truth is this:  Kay Hagan has voted in support of Barack Obama's agenda 96% of the time.  And Hagan has been tied to Barack and Michelle Obama and their radical leftist activist friends since being elected.  And as much as Kay Hagan thinks she can avoid being photographed with Barack Obama, it's a little too late:  below you'll see the collection of photos we have with Kay Hagan embracing both Barack and Michelle.
Please help us keep the heat on Kay Hagan by making a contribution to our independent expenditure campaign to Defeat Kay Hagan.  Our goal is to raise $11,500 in the next 72 hours for our campaign to Defeat Kay Hagan.
You can contribute as little as $5 up to the maximum allowed contribution amount of $5,000.  To contribute online - JUST CLICK HERE.
Again, while she doesn't want voters to know, here's the truth:  Kay Hagan has been a shameless rubber stamp for Barack Obama in the Senate.  She's voted for Barack Obama's legislation 96% of the time, and was the deciding vote in favor of ObamaCare. 
Above: Kay Hagan and 'gal pal' Michelle Obama
Please support our campaign to Defeat Kay Hagan!
It's time to defeat Barack Obama's ally in the U.S. Senate and make Kay Hagan a one-term Senator.
North Carolina should be a state where we can elect a strong constitutional conservative to the U.S. Senate.  If we fail to Defeat Kay Hagan and she is re-elected, then we'll be subjected to six more years of photos like these:
Below is a photo of Kay Hagan campaigning for Barack Obama's presidential bid.  If we defeat Kay Hagan we not only can end the Democrat majority in the U.S. Senate, but we will also hand Barack Obama a massive defeat as well.
Please, support our campaign to Defeat Kay Hagan making a contribution online - HERE.
You can also mail in a contribution to our headquarters:
Conservative Campaign Committee
ATTN: Defeat Kay Hagan Campaign
P.O. Box 1585
Sacramento, CA 95812
Paid for and authorized by the Conservative Campaign Committee.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was intended for: 

"Story-Killers: How the Common Core Destroys Minds and Souls" by Terrenc...

PROOF Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood

PROOF Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood

Thunderclap Newman Something In The Air Revolution Lyrics

Syria: Al-Qaeda's New Home

In Their Own Words: Lenin, Stalin, Obama, and Hillary

In Their Own Words: Lenin, Stalin, Obama, and Hillary

Is tide turning? Liberal writer supports Obama impeachment

Is tide turning? Liberal writer supports Obama impeachment

Monday, January 20, 2014


Gosh, this is an 'eye opener'....this is a 'course' taught by someone who really makes The Constitution easy to understand....he demonstrates examples that clearly state what our RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES are!!! is part 1-8 can 'bookmark' it and keep coming back to see all of these is absolutey amazing what we are losing and have lost.  He speaks about either voting for Dem. or Rep. and uses the analogy of 'do you want to vote for STALIN OR HITLER?' (in other words the same thing....this is why WE WILL NEVER WIN OR IMPROVE CONGRESS IN ELECTIONS !  Nancy

TPP Article V Symposium, a Discussion on an Amending Convention of the States

William M Finley  

100pixVietnam Service Ribbon.svgPurple Heart BAR.svg


Setting The Stage For Voter Fraud: Federal Ruling Forbids States From Checking voters’ Citizenship | Clash Daily

Setting The Stage For Voter Fraud: Federal Ruling Forbids States From Checking voters’ Citizenship | Clash Daily

Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech - August 28, 1963

Billy Vaughn father of Navy Seal speaks in support of FL 2nd amendment ...

CAIR's Hussam Ayloush Melts Down & Flees Hamas Question [IPT Video]

SEAL: Nobody That Wears a Navy SEAL Trident is a Fan of Obama or Hillary

Friday, January 17, 2014
Death before Dishonor: Why One Man is Going to Operation American Spring'
Your thoughts?

*Please share this alert with other concerned friends*

Discussion posted by National Director, Dee:

Dr. Jim Garrow I posted an earlier missive with the aforementioned title - Death before Dishonor and based on comments made, I have to cla...

Discussion link:
Death before Dishonor: Why One Man is Going to Operation American Spring

Beheadings, Bombings and New York’s Little Bangladesh | FrontPage Magazine

Beheadings, Bombings and New York’s Little Bangladesh | FrontPage Magazine

More Evidence We’re Losing Our Freedom

More Evidence We’re Losing Our Freedom

Obama vows that John Boehner will indeed push through immigration reform - Washington Times

Obama vows that John Boehner will indeed push through immigration reform - Washington Times

Thursday, January 16, 2014
'The Risk Of Revolution Grows.'
Your thoughts?

*Please share this alert with other concerned friends*

Discussion posted by National Director, Dee:

by Dean Stephens Our world is coming apart. The reactions to this are daily becoming more ridiculous. The reactions to this are daily beco...

Discussion link:
The Risk Of Revolution Grows.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Soros media group reaches deep into taxpayers' pockets

Soros media group reaches deep into taxpayers' pockets

Guy Benson on Fox News - The Real Story

Vast Majority of Military Pension Cuts Remain in Omnibus Spending Bill

Vast Majority of Military Pension Cuts Remain in Omnibus Spending Bill

Obamanomics are killing jobs; GOP fiddles

Obamanomics are killing jobs; GOP fiddles

The hound of Jihad

The hound of Jihad

TPP Article V Symposium, a Discussion on an Amending Convention of the States
Join us on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM EST
Dear William,
This message is to remind you that the following Webinar will take place Tuesday, January 14, 2014 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM EST.
TPP Article V Symposium, a Discussion on an Amending Convention of the States
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    Access Code: 455-484-116
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Obama plot: Black out ’40% of U.S. power supply’

Obama plot: Black out ’40% of U.S. power supply’

Court frowns on Obama picks | TheHill

Court frowns on Obama picks | TheHill

Friday, January 10, 2014

Syria: Armenian Christians forced to convert to Islam or die

Syria: Armenian Christians forced to convert to Islam or die

December jobs disaster: The workforce collapses again | Human Events

December jobs disaster: The workforce collapses again | Human Events

IRS to get 'license to kill' groups that oppose Obama agenda

IRS to get 'license to kill' groups that oppose Obama agenda


Harold posted: "Pamela Geller1/9/2014Source ..... Since I wrote my book Stop the Islamization of America and established the Stop Islamization of America initiative of my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), we have seen increasing accommodation "
Respond to this post by replying above this line

New post on ACGR's "News with Attitude"

The Islamization of America in 2013

by Harold
Pamela Geller 1/9/2014 Source ..... Since I wrote my book Stop the Islamization of America and established the Stop Islamization of America initiative of my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), we have seen increasing accommodation and submission to Islam in the United States. This past year was a particularly good year for Islamic supremacists, […]

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Here’s Why Obama Will Get A Third Term…

Here’s Why Obama Will Get A Third Term…

Congress to Obama: Immigration Reform ‘Final Economic Blow for Millions of Workers’

Congress to Obama: Immigration Reform ‘Final Economic Blow for Millions of Workers’

Two Democrats and Union President Given Communist Awards at Event Held In a Public School

Two Democrats and Union President Given Communist Awards at Event Held In a Public School

Just 25% self ID as Republican; independents soar to record 42% - Washington Times

Just 25% self ID as Republican; independents soar to record 42% - Washington Times

CURL: Obama administration is in full meltdown - Washington Times

CURL: Obama administration is in full meltdown - Washington Times

Obama hopes to boost his legacy without the House and Senate | TheHill

Obama hopes to boost his legacy without the House and Senate | TheHill

Monday, January 6, 2014

Zaw Ne Yaa

2nd top military man calls for millions to march on D.C.

2nd top military man calls for millions to march on D.C.

More Illegal Aliens Shun Deportation with “Victim Visa” | Judicial Watch

More Illegal Aliens Shun Deportation with “Victim Visa” | Judicial Watch

In midst of The Big Freeze, Obama to exert presidential powers on 'global warming' - Washington Times

In midst of The Big Freeze, Obama to exert presidential powers on 'global warming' - Washington Times

Group run by al Qaeda terrorist invited to brief Dems on drone policy - Washington Times

Group run by al Qaeda terrorist invited to brief Dems on drone policy - Washington Times

KNIGHT: Lies, lies and more presidential lies - Washington Times

KNIGHT: Lies, lies and more presidential lies - Washington Times

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Lynch in Ramallah by Palestinians, The nature of
Tea Party News  

BREAKING NEWS! OBAMACARE: Frustrated patients walk out of hospitals without treatment... Read the latest now on
ACTION: If you think Obamacare is bad, the worst is yet to come. By spring, another 50 to 100 million in the small business sector will lose their health insurance. The numbers of those who will continue to be without insurance will rise to obscene levels. People will die waiting for the government to decide if they can have treatment. Yes, my friends, Obama has fundamentally changed America and we need to take it back. Tell Congress "DEATH TO OBAMACARE!" today with a fax blast and lets finish what we started!

Contact Congress Here: For about what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to:

ALL 100 U.S. Senators AND ALL 435 U.S. Representatives at their DC and Home offices.

View Your Fax Message

Thanks. It means a lot to know you’ve got my back.

Steve Eichler
Tea Party

P.S. - Remember, you have been witness to the greatest frauds perpetrated on the American people in the history of his country. Obama's flagrant abuse of power...the perpetual lies...the rank corruption. He abuses our taxpayer dollars by funding terrorists, handing guns to criminals and drug cartels and giving defacto amnesty to illegals. We're in the biggest fight of our lives. Support us so we can continue to fight for America. Donate today!

P.S.S. - Barrack Hussein Obama has committed unconstitutional and impeachable offenses. Demand Congress begin impeachment proceedings! Sign the IMPEACH OBAMA petition here.


Trevor Loudon talks about Barack Obama's Past and America's Future

Rolling Stone Magazine Calls for Full-Blown Communism in America

Rolling Stone Magazine Calls for Full-Blown Communism in America

When will daily ObamaCare body count reporting begin?

When will daily ObamaCare body count reporting begin?