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#1 User is online William Finley
Advanced Member
Group: Illinois Moderators
Posts: 144
Joined: 29-June 11
LocationOswego IL.
Posted Today, 03:14 PM
Wake Up Call - New World Order Documentary - Remastered - 01 of 16
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Full version here: For high quality, dual layer DVD's, please email me at john.nada@hotmail.co.uk Some of the topics covered in the film: The New World…
Added on 9/15/08
Pass it along please !
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Eric Odom
To: bpharless@verizon.net
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2011 8:11 PM
Subject: They''re trying to "Occupy" our freedom!
Grassroots Action Alert
Fellow Patriots,
This might be one of the most important newsletters I've ever sent out. There is something happening that should have us all very, very concerned and alert.
Let's get started.
You may or may not recall a post about the "Occupy Wall Street" effort that I published back on September 18th. In that post, long before the "protests" became as mainstream as they are now, I suggested it was an astro-turf effort by radicals to set the stage for some dastardly plans of socialism. Our featured story today is a follow-up post to that and I highly recommend you read it. There is a new layer of this coming into play that I hadn't previously considered.
You see, back in September I figured this was going to be an effort where the protesters themselves were the main event. In many ways, I think that is what the behind-the-scenes organizers would like us to believe. But in reality, the main event is unraveling right before our eyes and it's not necessarily the protests themselves. As expected, the media is completely overlooking the dangerous set-up currently happening across America.
What is happening is quite simple, actually. There are many pieces of the puzzle slowly coming together, but one of the largest pieces was the "Durbin Tax," the amendment Dick Durbin slipped into the Dodd-Frank bill that would force banks to reduce the amount they charged vendors for debit card transactions. Common sense would dictate that major banks wouldn't just say "well, I guess we lost all of that money." Instead, common sense logic would suggest the banks would look to consumers to make up for the financial losses caused by Dodd-Frank.
Now think about this. The "Occupy Wall Street" rallies kicked off at the end of September. Major banks began raising fees on debit card usage on October 1st. One of the primary chants heard at these protests are chants against big banks and financial institutions.
Guess what? Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Ben Bernanke, Dick Durbin and MANY on the left are opening up a full frontal assault on... big banks and financial institutions. It's the perfect storm that allows the socialist agenda to openly declare war against the free-market system while at the same time having a nationwide "movement" to point at as their proof they have backing from the American people.
It's class warfare at its finest, and this time they've created a scenario that gives the appearance of the soldiers being more than just the usual politicians. This is a VERY dangerous and you need to act on it immediately. I beg you, please do not just pass this email off without spreading the word.
Tomorrow (Friday) we're going to feature a post about this at LibertyNews.com. We MUST get the word out and ensure we're countering the narrative across all 50 states. Do not let these "puppet masters" set the stage for a war against the free-markets in such a fragile U.S. economy. We're teetering on the edge financially and we're very unstable.
Go to Facebook and Twitter, forward this message, do everything you can to let folks know to watch LibertyNews.com tomorrow for a special report on what is happening.
For Liberty,
-Eric Odom
P.S. If you haven't yet joined us on Facebook, please do so now. You can also follow us on Twitter here @Liberty.
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Jorge Adrian Salaices
The New World Order is Fast Approaching, If you love you children and their Freedom, Wake Up before is too late.
Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.
Ronald Reagan
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
Benjamin Franklin
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
Aldous Huxley
The worst enemy of life, freedom and the common decencies is total anarchy; their second worst enemy is total efficiency.
Aldous Huxley
"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
-David Rockefeller, his 2002 book "Memoirs"
On 09/28/2011 05:41 PM, William Finley wrote:
That answer is in our Declaration of Free Men and Women that is called the Declaration of Independence. In this Document we declare our rights that our Creator endowed us with.
Which for some reason the America people no longer remember? So now they are like sheep
Being lead to their end.
Which means it is up to us who know that we are a free people as so we have a god given right
To defend it.
What does the Declaration of a Free People tell us what is our right to do when any Government
Becomes destructive of the Liberties of a Free People
That to secure these rights, governments is instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the Governed,
First As a Free People we are the authority that instituted this form of being governed to secure our LIBERTY which is our Constitution and it's Bill of Rights.
Then we see that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ENDS,
it is the Right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government , laying it's foundation on such principles and organizing it's Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness,.
When any forms of being governed become destructive to the Liberty of a Free People it is our Right to change it or do away with it and form a new form of being governed.
We are to lay it’s foundation on the principles that will secure our Liberty and organize its powers in such form as to secure that Liberty. Those Principles and Powers is our Constitution and it's Bill of Rights
Our Declaration of Independence
But when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism .It is their right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and provide New Guard for their security.
There have been and still are a long trail abuses from those that Govern .
As a Free people the time has come to restore and secure of our Liberty.
If you noticed our declaration of a Free People makes no reference to Parties, Judges. Presidents,
Or Representatives to secure our Liberty. But what it does do is make reference to Principles, Powers, and new Guard for our security..
Those Guards, Principles and Powers are in the Law of the Land that is our Constitution and it's Bill of Rights..
If we are to secure our Liberty we must first restore the Rule of Law the only ones that have that Authority our Free People of the United States of America.
In a way we put the cart before the horse by believing that by electing new representative form the same old parties that have become destructive to our Liberty. Are going to secure them.
Our declaration of Freedom tells us that is not how it works nor will it.
First we must enforce the Law of the Land by which we are to be Govern. Then we can elect those who will Govern under the authority of the Law of the Land.
There are those who understand that fact and do have a plain to do just that. We the People Foundation Constitution Lobby, This is not another group in that sense, not a political party, nor is it about politics. It is a plan to take up the Offense to restore our Liberty through Rule of Law
It is a tool to be used by all Freedom Loving groups . In order to get this up and running requires the support of these groups to set theses Constitution Lobby in every state.
I would like to offer every Freedom person to go to www.givemeliberty.org and check out the plan to take up the offenses to secure our Liberty.
William M. Finley
We the People of Illinois Constitution Lobby
Point of Constitution.
wfinley11@live.com. Givemeliberty.org
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