Monday, October 31, 2011

Kane County IL. 9/12 Meeting Defending the Vote

kane county IL. 9/12 meeting Defending theVote
#1 User is online William Finley

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Posted Today, 05:43 PM

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On October 20th, the Aurora 9/12 Group's meeting was about election integrity. Because there were so many requests, the St Charles group will be presenting the same program; Defend The Vote. Find out what's wrong with the Illinois system and what can be done to assure voter integrity in the upcoming 2012 elections on Tuesday, November 8th in Saint Charles.

- During a recent audit of registered voters, 18,460 dead people were still on Ohio voter rolls.

- Colorado compared the state’s voter registration database with driver’s license records. Nearly 12,000 people registered to vote were not citizens. Of those non-citizen registered voters, nearly 5,000 took part in the 2010 general election.

- A Houston Tea Party Group discovered vacant lots had several voters registered on them - an eight-bed halfway house had more than 40 voters registered - a voter registration group submitted over 25,000 registrations of which only 1,793 were valid - one woman registered six times in the same day - non-citizens were registered - and 1,597 registrations named the same person multiple times, often with different signatures.

- In Illinois 18% of our vote has never been audited to assure it is counted accurately? Those wanting to steal elections don’t have to vote early and often, and the dead can finally rest in their graves. Because all that is needed to steal elections in the Land of Lincoln is to have access to the software running the electronic voting equipment.

- No one has ever checked to compare that the official vote count is the same as the votes recorded on the paper ballot that each voter approves when early voting! AND It gets worse… No Political Party or Citizen’s group has ever audited the software code running the election machines. Not once! Early voting is 18% of the vote in Illinois! 18% of our vote is not secure. Read more:

- And the most outrageous of all, a large percentage of our military personnel were not counted. Some 441,000 ballots were requested by servicemen. Of those, 98,000 were “lost” and arrived too late to be counted. In Illinois, 36 counties missed the deadline to send ballots to deployed servicemen and other overseas voters.

Sharon Meroni is the Executive Director of Defend the Vote. In 2009 she began to investigate elections in Illinois. What she discovered will startle even the seasoned political junky in Illinois.

In a separate investigation, Sharon revealed that Chicago’s security protocols are completely inadequate in securing the vote. Pollwatchers visited 239 precincts during Election Day on April 5th. 210 precincts (91%) failed on one or more of the 11 security measures that they were evaluated for. 59% of the time, the CBE failed to secure the ballot box.

Join us to learn about the citizen audit of Illinois elections called the Voter Auditor Pollwatchers. After voting, citizens will be able to assess compliance with security procedures at their polling place.

Find out what Illinois patriots can do it at Tuesday's event. Every one is welcome to attend and admittance is free. All candidates will be allowed to speak briefly.

The event will begin Tuesday at 7:00pm, November 8th at the St Charles City Hall, 2 East Main Street (Rte 64), St Charles, Illinois.

For more information about the meeting, email or call 630-908-2849.

Become part of the solution to ballot integrity. Join Defend the Vote, Become a voter auditor.

For more information, email or call 630-908-2849.

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