Monday, October 31, 2011

Kane County IL. 9/12 Meeting Defending the Vote

kane county IL. 9/12 meeting Defending theVote
#1 User is online William Finley

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Posted Today, 05:43 PM

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On October 20th, the Aurora 9/12 Group's meeting was about election integrity. Because there were so many requests, the St Charles group will be presenting the same program; Defend The Vote. Find out what's wrong with the Illinois system and what can be done to assure voter integrity in the upcoming 2012 elections on Tuesday, November 8th in Saint Charles.

- During a recent audit of registered voters, 18,460 dead people were still on Ohio voter rolls.

- Colorado compared the state’s voter registration database with driver’s license records. Nearly 12,000 people registered to vote were not citizens. Of those non-citizen registered voters, nearly 5,000 took part in the 2010 general election.

- A Houston Tea Party Group discovered vacant lots had several voters registered on them - an eight-bed halfway house had more than 40 voters registered - a voter registration group submitted over 25,000 registrations of which only 1,793 were valid - one woman registered six times in the same day - non-citizens were registered - and 1,597 registrations named the same person multiple times, often with different signatures.

- In Illinois 18% of our vote has never been audited to assure it is counted accurately? Those wanting to steal elections don’t have to vote early and often, and the dead can finally rest in their graves. Because all that is needed to steal elections in the Land of Lincoln is to have access to the software running the electronic voting equipment.

- No one has ever checked to compare that the official vote count is the same as the votes recorded on the paper ballot that each voter approves when early voting! AND It gets worse… No Political Party or Citizen’s group has ever audited the software code running the election machines. Not once! Early voting is 18% of the vote in Illinois! 18% of our vote is not secure. Read more:

- And the most outrageous of all, a large percentage of our military personnel were not counted. Some 441,000 ballots were requested by servicemen. Of those, 98,000 were “lost” and arrived too late to be counted. In Illinois, 36 counties missed the deadline to send ballots to deployed servicemen and other overseas voters.

Sharon Meroni is the Executive Director of Defend the Vote. In 2009 she began to investigate elections in Illinois. What she discovered will startle even the seasoned political junky in Illinois.

In a separate investigation, Sharon revealed that Chicago’s security protocols are completely inadequate in securing the vote. Pollwatchers visited 239 precincts during Election Day on April 5th. 210 precincts (91%) failed on one or more of the 11 security measures that they were evaluated for. 59% of the time, the CBE failed to secure the ballot box.

Join us to learn about the citizen audit of Illinois elections called the Voter Auditor Pollwatchers. After voting, citizens will be able to assess compliance with security procedures at their polling place.

Find out what Illinois patriots can do it at Tuesday's event. Every one is welcome to attend and admittance is free. All candidates will be allowed to speak briefly.

The event will begin Tuesday at 7:00pm, November 8th at the St Charles City Hall, 2 East Main Street (Rte 64), St Charles, Illinois.

For more information about the meeting, email or call 630-908-2849.

Become part of the solution to ballot integrity. Join Defend the Vote, Become a voter auditor.

For more information, email or call 630-908-2849.


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PDF 10/2011
October 2011
Michael Mukasey
Former U.S. Attorney General
Executive Power in Wartime

Michael Mukasey served as the Attorney General of the United States from 2007-2009, as a U.S. district judge for the Southern District of New York from 1988-2006, and as an assistant U.S. attorney for that same district from 1972-1976. In 1995, he presided over the trial of Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and others for a plot to blow up New York area landmarks. He received his B.A. from Columbia University and his LL.B. from Yale Law School.

The following is adapted from a speech delivered in Washington, D.C., on September 15, 2011, at the Second Annual Constitution Day Celebration sponsored by Hillsdale College’s Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship.

President Obama campaigned for office largely on the claim that his predecessor had shredded the Constitution. By the Constitution, he could not have meant the document signed on September 17, 1787. Article II of that document begins with a simple declaration: “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” Not “some” or “most” or even “all but a teeny-weeny bit” of the executive power. The President is vested with all of it. This is particularly noteworthy when compared with the enumerated legislative powers vested in Congress: “All legislative Powers herein granted.” The Founders understood, based in part on their unfortunate experience under the Articles of Confederation, that the branch of government most likely to be in need of the ability to act quickly and decisively is the executive. The branch most likely to overreach is the legislature.

Perhaps, then, candidate Obama was thinking of the Bill of Rights in claiming that President Bush shredded the Constitution. But leaving that question aside for now, let us consider how President Obama has fared in undoing the Bush policies he opposed. He began dramatically in January 2009 by issuing a series of executive orders. According to one, Guantanamo was to be closed within a year. Even though the principal planner of September 11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, or KSM, had announced that he would plead guilty before a military tribunal at Guantanamo, the Justice Department announced in November 2009 that the military commission was cancelled. Instead, KSM would be brought to the mainland United States to stand trial. In response, Congress passed a statute, relying on its constitutionally-enumerated power of the purse, directing that no federal funds be used to bring any detainee from Guantanamo to the U.S. As a result, the Guantanamo military commission trial for KSM and other detainees charged in connection with September 11 is back on.

Another executive order in January 2009 suspended the CIA interrogation program. Instead of these allegedly disgraceful and unconstitutional interrogation techniques, it was announced that anyone acting on behalf of the U.S. government, even a highly trained CIA operative seeking sensitive security-related information, is limited by the Army Field Manual. This manual—because it was drafted for general use—is pitched to the capabilities of the most junior recruit in the field interrogating someone he has just captured. In fact, it has been available on the Internet for years and has been used by terrorists as a training manual for resisting interrogation.

The abandoned CIA program involved—in what is probably the most disastrous marketing term since New Coke—“enhanced interrogation” techniques which were, in fact, completely lawful. When detainees were subjected to those techniques—detainees who self-selected as both knowledgeable of Al Qaeda and resistant to lesser techniques—we learned a great deal. Three of these detainees—Abu Zubaydah, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and Abdel Rahim al Nashiri—gave up a huge trove of valuable information. Not only did KSM disclose general information on how Al Qaeda moved money and people, but also specific information that helped disrupt other plots. One such plot involved airplanes attacking the Library Tower in Los Angeles. It was to be carried out by a South Asian group headed by a man named Hambali. Other information resulted in the capture of people involved in a plan to develop a biological weapons capability in the U.S. The list goes on.

Not only has this interrogation program been abandoned, but when people today are apprehended in connection with terrorist plots directed at this country—and there have been more than 20 since September 11—most are turned over immediately to law enforcement authorities, informed of their Miranda rights, and treated as routine criminal suspects.

What do we lose in this process? With the would-be Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, we lost the chance at information about who had built his bomb. From bombs that have shown up in packages originating in Yemen, it appears that the same bomb maker is still in business, and he is believed to be responsible for a bomb that injured Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef, the man largely responsible for Saudi Arabia’s counter-terrorism efforts.

Although Guantanamo remains open, the President remains committed to closing it. For example, no new detainees are being brought to Guantanamo. We learned a month or two ago that a man named Warsame was apprehended and was thought to be in possession of valuable intelligence. He was placed aboard a naval vessel and debriefed for two months, after which he was advised of his Miranda rights and brought to the U.S. The administration disdains military tribunals, notwithstanding the fact that they have been used in our history from the Revolutionary War to World War II and are provided for specifically in a statute passed by Congress called the Military Commissions Act.

The administration also remains committed to figuring out a way to release those detained in Guantanamo, despite the fact that at least 20 percent of Guantanamo alumni have returned to the battlefield. We know that figure because 20 percent have been recaptured or killed. How many others are still in the fight is anyone’s guess.

So after all of this, where do we stand? The intelligence gathering techniques adopted and followed during the preceding administration not only remain on the books but are actively pursued. And thanks to a vigorous and courageous exercise of the Article II Commander-in-Chief power, and the splendid performance of a team of Navy Seals, Osama bin Laden is dead. I certainly would not minimize that achievement. He needed killing, and he and we needed it to be done at the hands of Americans. It was done in a way that allowed us to exploit the trove of intelligence that was found in his home—though one wishes that less had been said about it at the time, rendering it more effective. And his death has great symbolic significance, because of the status he had attained during the ten years since September 11. But it is impossible to gauge the significance of bin Laden’s death unless and until we recognize the simple fact that our encounter with what he stood for began much earlier than September 11, 2001.

What bin Laden stood for was Islamism, which—insofar as it holds the U.S. in a weird combination of awe and contempt—has been incubating for about as long as we have known about the other two “isms” that we successfully conquered in the last century. As a movement distinct from the religion of Islam itself, Islamism traces back to Egypt in the 1920s, when the loosely organized Muslim Brotherhood was established by a man named Hassan al-Banna. Al-Banna founded the Muslim Brotherhood as a reaction to the modernizing influence of Kemal Ataturk, who dismantled the shell of what was left of the Muslim caliphate in Turkey, banned the fez and headscarves, and dragged his country into the 20th century.

Al-Banna’s principal disciple was also an educator—a bureaucrat in the education department of the Egyptian government named Sayyid Qutb. Qutb caused enough trouble in Egypt to get himself awarded a traveling fellowship in 1948, the year al-Banna was killed. Regrettably for us, Qutb chose to travel to Greeley, Colorado. And although it would be hard to imagine a more inoffensive place than post-World War II Greeley, Colorado, for a man like Qutb it was Sodom and Gomorrah. He hated everything he saw: American haircuts, enthusiasm for sports, jazz, and what he called the “animal-like mixing of the sexes,” even in church. His conclusion was that Americans were “numb to faith in art, faith in religion, and faith in spiritual values altogether,” and that Muslims must regard “the white man, whether European or American . . . [as] our first enemy.”

Qutb later returned to Egypt, quit the civil service, and joined the Muslim Brotherhood. He welcomed Gamal Abdel Nasser’s coup against the corrupt monarchy of King Farouk in 1952, but then became disillusioned with Nasser for failing to institute Sharia law. He opposed Nasser, and was subsequently arrested and tortured. However, he continued to write and agitate for Islam and against Western civilization, particularly against Jews, whom he blamed for atheistic materialism and considered the worst enemies of Muslims. He was released for a time, but eventually was re-arrested, convicted of conspiracy against the government, and hanged in 1966.

Many members of the Brotherhood fled to Saudi Arabia, where they found refuge and ideological sustenance. Qutb’s brother was among those who fled and taught the doctrine in Saudi Arabia. Among his students were Ayman al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian who would become a leading Al Qaeda ideologist, and a then-obscure Osama bin Laden, the pampered child of one of the richest construction families in the country. And the rest, as they say, is history.

That history did not come to these shores on September 11—or even on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb detonated in the basement of the World Trade Center, killing six and wounding hundreds. It came at the latest in the 1980s, when a couple of FBI agents spotted a group of men taking what looked like particularly aggressive target practice in Calverton, Long Island. When they approached, they were accused of what we now call racial profiling, and they backed off. In November 1990, one of those men, El-Sayyid Nosair, assassinated a right-wing Israeli politician, Meir Kahane, in the ballroom of a Manhattan hotel. When the 1993 World Trade Center bombers demanded the freeing of Nosair from jail, it became apparent that the Kahane assassination had not been the lone act of a lone gunman. Authorities reviewed the amateur video of Kahane’s speech the night he was killed and discovered that one of those 1993 bombers had been in the hall when Kahane was shot. Further investigation disclosed that another was driving the intended getaway vehicle.

The man who served as the spiritual advisor to Nosair and the 1993 World Trade Center bombers, Omar Abdel Rahman, the so-called blind sheikh, along with Nosair and several others, were tried before me and convicted for participating in a conspiracy to conduct a war of urban terror against this country—a war that included the Kahane murder, the first World Trade Center bombing, and a plot to blow up other landmarks around New York and assassinate Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak when he visited the United Nations. The list of unindicted co-conspirators in that case included Osama bin Laden.

At the time, all of this was treated as a series of crimes—unconventional crimes, to be sure, but crimes nevertheless. This despite the fact that in 1996, and again in 1998, Osama bin Laden declared that he and his cohorts were at war with the United States.

In 1998, the American embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, were bombed almost simultaneously. Again the criminal law was invoked, this time in an indictment that named Osama bin Laden as a defendant. Apparently he was unimpressed, or at least undeterred, because in 2000, Al Qaeda bombed the USS Cole in Aden, Yemen, killing 17 sailors. It would have carried out the bombing of another naval vessel, but for the fact that the barge carrying the explosives was overloaded and sank.

Then came September 11, and to the call “bring them to justice” was added the call “bring justice to them.” We were told that we were at war more than 50 years after Sayyid Qutb determined that Islamists would have to make war on us, about 15 years after Islamists had made it clear that they were training for war with us, and five years after Osama bin Laden made it official with a declaration of war.

In fighting Islamism, we are handicapped at the strategic level by the refusal of those in authority to acknowledge the goals of our adversaries. Those goals are essentially political, and involve the recreation of an Islamic caliphate and the imposition of Sharia law over as broad a swath of the world as possible. This is a profoundly anti-democratic movement at its core, and it regards the whole idea of man-made law as anathema. Instead, we try to be inoffensive by using a term that originated in the administration in which I served, and we refer to a war on terror or terrorism. People who wish to quibble about what it is we are at war with take the discussion off into absurdity. One such person is the President’s Assistant for National Security, John Brennan, who, before an audience at the Center for Strategic Studies, ridiculed the idea of a war on terrorism or on terror, saying it is impossible to have a war on a means or a state of mind.

This lack of clarity also distorts the view of policy makers about what is happening in the Middle East, and so they daydream about democratic movements when the reality on the ground is more populist than democratic. The principal beneficiary of populism is more likely to be the Muslim Brotherhood than the local spokesman for Facebook. The credo of the Muslim Brotherhood is succinct and chilling: Allah is our goal, the Prophet Muhammad is our leader, the Qu’ran is our constitution, jihad is our way, and death in the way of Allah is our promised end.

If the death of Osama bin Laden is more than simply a spasm, or an opportunity to engage in self-congratulation—if it helps provide some insight into the nature of what it is we are fighting—then it will have been significant indeed. If not, its significance will be substantially diminished.

The signs do not seem promising. Even on September 11 itself, as was pointed out by Fouad Ajami, there was no discussion whatever of the 19 people who perpetrated the atrocity. Ajami pointed in particular to Ziad Jarrah, the most Westernized of the hijackers. Raised in Beirut, Lebanon, to be cosmopolitan in the spirit of that city, he then went to Hamburg, Germany, where he was radicalized, and he then wound up at the controls of Flight 93, the flight that was supposed to hit the U.S. Capitol. It didn’t because the passengers learned what had already happened at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, figured out what was in store for them and their country, and chose to act.

There is much to be learned from those facts. Start with the last. We learn the importance of intelligence. The passengers on Flight 93 were able to act because of what they had learned about what was going on elsewhere. Intelligence gathering must be our number one priority. The people waging war on us are part of a movement that does not occupy any particular place or country that we can demolish and then pronounce ourselves the winners. They live in some cases among us, and the only way of opposing them successfully is to find out in advance what they intend to do and to thwart it.

Second, note that Jarrah was radicalized not in the Middle East, but in the West. We must be aware of those in our society who wish to create closed ethnic zones, where Muslims essentially run their own affairs and outsiders enter only at their peril. This has already happened in the suburbs of French cities, in parts of England, and in other places you would not expect it such as Malmo, Sweden, and it allows radicalization to go on undetected. Guidelines have been put in place to allow the FBI to function for the first time in its history as an intelligence gathering organization and not simply as a law enforcement agency. If the Bureau partners with state and local law enforcement, then the kind of insular activity that allowed Jarrah to be radicalized can be broken up. Those guidelines must remain in place, and must be defended.

Doing that will require an intelligent understanding of the part of the Constitution I didn’t discuss at the outset, the part that animated so much criticism of the Bush administration by those now in charge—the Bill of Rights. This part of the Constitution provides robust protection to both public and private activity that we value, which is essential for the continuation of our civic life. But it does not require that we close our eyes when there are people plainly setting the stage for activity that is in no way protected.

The First Amendment protects free speech and freedom of worship. It permits preaching even violence in the name of religion. But it does not guarantee that such speech will go undetected. Nor does it guarantee that evidence of it cannot be presented in a court when and if it is appropriate to charge that the speaker and those to whom he spoke understood this protected speech and took it as a call to unprotected action. This includes action that itself consists only of speech—such as an agreement to commit a crime, which is itself the crime of conspiracy.

The Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, and contains a separate warrant clause providing that warrants may issue only on a finding of probable cause. That does not mean that a search conducted for intelligence purposes requires a warrant, only that it be reasonable.

The Fifth and Sixth Amendments guarantee due process, counsel to those accused of crimes, and the right to confront witnesses, but their application is limited to trials occurring in Article III courts. How much process is due and what kind of evidence may be received and under what circumstances in other tribunals, such as military commissions, is an entirely different story.

The message lurking in the structure of the Constitution is that those acting lawfully under it deserve at least the benefit of the doubt when they act to protect the common good. That is not meant to be a statement or a suggestion of a jurisprudential standard, a standard of law; but it is meant as a prudential standard, a standard of civics and public discourse. This standard will help keep intact the system that we depend on to preserve the nation that Abraham Lincoln called the last, best hope of earth—words that are truer today than they were when he spoke them during another time of trouble.


31 October 2011 11:40 AM
Another no-go area in Londonistan

Earlier this year in the east London boroughs of Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest and Newham, posters suddenly sprouted in the streets declaring: ‘You are entering a Sharia controlled zone. Islamic rules enforced.’ Underneath were images indicating that smoking, alcohol and music were banned. Also this year posters declaring Tower Hamlets a ‘gay-free zone’ were put up across the borough. Police and local councillors declared that they would take all such posters down.

Now, however, it seems that the threatening implications of self-declared ‘Muslim areas’ are spreading into the heart of our democracy.

Last Friday Mike Freer, MP for Finchley and Golders Green, was forced to abandon his constituency surgery at the North Finchley mosque and hide in a locked part of the building when a group of activists from the ‘Muslims against Crusades’ group forced their way in. The Daily Mail reported that Mr Freer, a gay man and a member of Conservative Friends of Israel, said he was called a ‘Jewish homosexual pig’.

In fact, Mr Freer said he only realised that the danger he was in possibly went beyond such abuse when was he made aware that ahead of this incident the group had posted up a reference to the attack last year on East Ham MP StephenTimms, who was stabbed by a Muslim woman while he too was holding a constituency surgery. This message warned

‘the attack on Mr Timms should serve as a “piercing reminder” to politicians that “their presence is no longer welcome in any Muslim area”’.

The message also stated that

‘“as a member of the Conservative Party”, Mr Freer “has the blood of thousands of Muslims on his hands”.’

Mr Freer, who also happens to be a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Islamophobia (the ironies attending politically-correct ideology are rich indeed) was apparently targeted because he had demanded that Palestinian extremist Sheikh Raed Salah be banned from Britain earlier this year.

Understandably, Mr Freer now wants the Home Office to investigate ‘Muslims against Crusades’. But rather more pertinently, shouldn’t some arrests have been made? For by any standards this was threatening behaviour which intimidated an MP into being unable to carry out his constituency duties.

Effectively, therefore, the North Finchley mosque became a no-go area for this MP. This surely represented not only a threat to Mr Freer as an individual but to parliamentary democracy itself. More chilling still, it would seem that for ‘Muslims Against Crusades’ Finchley is now to be regarded as a Muslim area – presumably on the grounds that any area with a sizeable Muslim population is to be thus regarded -- and its inhabitants subjected as a result to Islamist intimidation.

Finchley happens to be home to a significant Jewish community which will now feel particularly vulnerable. But in fact everyone now comes under potential threat – including Muslims themselves -- as can be seen from what has taken place in east London.

For the posters there did not represent empty threats. The process of Islamisation through intimidation is well under way.

Earlier this year, four Tower Hamlets Muslims were jailed for at least 19 years for attacking a local white teacher who gave religious studies lessons to Muslim girls. An Asian woman – not a practising Muslim -- who worked in a pharmacy was threatened with her life unless she wore a headscarf or veil. And as Andrew Gilligan has reported, many more such Islamist attacks are taking place – which he claims the police are downplaying for fear of being accused of racism:

‘The Sunday Telegraph has uncovered more than a dozen other cases in Tower Hamlets where both Muslims and non-Muslims have been threatened or beaten for behaviour deemed to breach fundamentalist “Islamic norms.”

‘One victim, Mohammed Monzur Rahman, said he was left partially blind and with a dislocated shoulder after being attacked by a mob in Cannon Street Road, Shadwell, for smoking during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan last year.

‘... Teachers in several local schools have told The Sunday Telegraph that they feel “under pressure” from local Muslim extremists, who have mounted campaigns through both parents and pupils – and, in one case, through another teacher - to enforce the compulsory wearing of the veil for Muslim girls.

‘... Tower Hamlets’ gay community has become a particular target of extremists. Homophobic crimes in the borough have risen by 80 per cent since 2007/8, and by 21 per cent over the last year, a period when there was a slight drop in London as a whole.’

Such reports are – to put it mildly -- deeply disturbing. Yet from the ‘progressive’ chattering class and the politicians (embattled Labour MP Jim Fitzpatrick being a notable exception with his stark warning that Islamists wanting to create an “Islamic social and political order” in Britain have infiltrated the Labour party), the response has been...silence.

Thus -- unless the UK ruling class gets its act together pretty damn quick -- the Islamists will win.



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Brief · October 31, 2011
The Foundation

"Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood." --John Adams
Opinion in Brief
Michelle's message is not an American one

"[Michelle Obama is] back on the campaign trail, and for some reason is returning to the same hardball politics. The other day, she thundered, 'Will we be a country that tells folks who've done everything right but are struggling to get by, "Tough luck, you're on your own"? Is that who we are?' Given that the federal budget has increased by $2 trillion in just a decade, entitlements are at record levels, and this administration is now running $1.5 trillion annual deficits, it is hard to imagine that any government has told anyone 'tough luck.' And it is even harder to suggest that nine months of a Republican-controlled House -- voted in as part of the largest midterm correction since 1938 -- has had much effect on the Obama employment agenda of nearly three years, the majority of which time Obama controlled both houses of Congress and borrowed nearly $5 trillion in sending unemployment over 9 percent. And when Ms. Obama charges, 'Will we be a country where opportunity is limited to just the few at the top? Who are we?' one wonders, why, then, in the past three years of hard times, did she insist on vacationing, in iconic fashion, at Vail, Martha's Vineyard, and Costa del Sol, the tony haunts of 'the few at the top'? In these rough times, surely a smaller staff, less travel, and budgetary economies would have enhanced her populist message of some at the top enjoying perks at the expense of others. In short, even if she does not revert to 2008 style and restart her lamentations about life in her country being unfair, I think it a mistake for any president to put the First Lady out, in highly partisan fashion, on the campaign trail to attack her husband's political rivals. And, I think, the public unease with it will soon prove the point." --historian Victor Davis Hanson

What do you think of Michelle's message?


"Free market capitalism is unforgiving. Producers please customers, in a cost-minimizing fashion, and make a profit, or they face losses or go bankrupt. It's this market discipline that some businesses seek to avoid. That's why they descend upon Washington calling for crony capitalism -- government bailouts, subsidies and special privileges. They wish to reduce the power of consumers and stockholders, who hold little sympathy for blunders and will give them the ax on a moment's notice. Having Congress on their side means business can be less attentive to the will of consumers. Congress can keep them afloat with bailouts, as it did in the cases of General Motors and Chrysler, with the justification that such companies are 'too big to fail.' Nonsense! If General Motors and Chrysler had been allowed to go bankrupt, it wouldn't have meant that their productive assets, such as assembly lines and tools, would have gone poof and disappeared into thin air. Bankruptcy would have led to a change in ownership of those assets by someone who might have managed them better. The bailout enabled them to avoid the full consequences of their blunders. ... The Occupy Wall Street protesters are following the path predicted by the great philosopher-economist Frederic Bastiat, who said in 'The Law' that 'instead of rooting out the injustices found in society, they make these injustices general.' In other words, the protesters don't want to end crony capitalism, with its handouts and government favoritism; they want to participate in it." --economist Walter E. Williams

"This country wasn't built by men who sought handouts. In its brilliant youth, this country showed the rest of the world what greatness was possible to Man and what happiness is possible on Earth. Then it began apologizing for its greatness and began giving away its wealth, feeling guilty for having produced more than its neighbors. ... Examine your values and understand that you must choose one side or the other. Any compromise between good and evil only hurts the good and helps the evil." --novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand (1905-1982)

"The trouble with the [Occupy Wall Street] movement is that it's centered around two concepts, both of which are abject lies. First and foremost, it doesn't represent ninety-nine percent of anything, no mater how many time the protesters themselves, their enablers, or a corrupt mainstream media repeats the slogan. Second, there is nothing inherently virtuous about being poor or middle class, any more than there is anything inherently evil about being wealthy. ... And make no mistake: it is a virus that infects every ethnic group, both genders and, as you may have guessed, every income class. Until some kind of national integrity is restored, everything else comes down to dealing with the symptoms of the problem instead of the problem itself. How do you restore integrity? One self-aware person at a time coming to the realization that without it, you're nothing but the member of a mob, whether that mob resides in Zuccotti Park, a bank boardroom, or the Beltway in Washington, D.C. You want to camp out all winter and rail against the inequities of the world? Knock yourself out." --columnist Arnold Ahlert

Halloween News Alert from the Publisher: We're hearing unconfirmed reports that Obama's Occupy Zombies are now occupying pumpkins. Beware!
Essential Liberty

"Conventional wisdom is that government must run the schools. But government monopolies don't do anything well. They fail because they have no real competition. Yet competition is what gives us better phones, movies, cars -- everything that's good. ... In 1955, [economist Milton Friedman] proposed school vouchers. His plan didn't call for separating school and state -- unfortunately -- but instead sought a second-best fix: Give a voucher to the family, and let it choose which school -- government-run or private -- their child will attend. Schools would compete for that voucher money. Today, it would be worth $13,000 per child. (That's what America spends per student today.) Competition would then improve all schools. ... Vouchers aren't a perfect solution, but they are better than leaving every student a prisoner of a government monopoly." --columnist John Stossel
The Gipper

"Those nations and states which have secured man's highest aspirations for freedom, opportunity, and justice have always been those willing to trust their people, confident that their skills and their talents are equal to any challenge." --Ronald Reagan
Click Here

Socialism Poster

Three variations on the same theme: Marxist Socialism, Nationalist Socialism, Democratic Socialism. Socialism. It is what it is. Printed on heavy duty 100 lb. gloss cover stock, use this poster at rallies, in dorm rooms, or anywhere you want to get your point across in full color. Measures 16" x 20".
Re: The Left

"According to the Taranto Principle, first identified by distinguished Wall Street Journal writer James Taranto, the mainstream media concocts false truths that actually encourage liberal Democrats to extravagance; thus, Al Gore hyperventilates over Global Warming, Jean-Francois Kerry presents himself as a Vietnam War hero, and Barack Obama sits awash in red ink and promises more. Operating in accord with the principle, the liberal Democrats abandon themselves to a riot of fantasies far removed from the American consensus, and the result is catastrophe for them and much amusement for the rest of us. ... It doesn't sound like the Occupiers are making much headway with the average American. But they are making headway with liberal Democrats. White House adviser David Plouffe says, 'The protests you're seeing are the same conversations people are having in living rooms and kitchens across America. ... People are frustrated by an economy that does not reward hard work and responsibility, where Wall Street and Main Street don't seem to play by the same set of rules.' And the brightest president in American history has said, 'I think people are frustrated. And the protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works.' Once again, the Taranto Principle is vindicated." --columnist R. Emmett Tyrrell
For the Record

"If I were a liberal, I would have spent the last week in shock that a Democratic audience in Flint, Mich., cheered Vice President Joe Biden's description of a policeman being killed. ... Biden's audience whooped and applauded ... when he said that without Obama's jobs bill, police will be 'outgunned and outmanned.' ... What is liberals' evidence that there will be more rapes and murders if Obama's jobs bill doesn't pass? Biden claims that, without it, there won't be enough cops to interrupt a woman being raped in her own home -- which would be an amazing bit of police work/psychic talent, if it had ever happened. (That's why Americans like guns, liberals.) Obama's jobs bill tackles the problem of rape and murder by giving the states $30 billion ... for public school teachers. Only $5 billion is even allotted to the police.... [D]id Flint [Michigan] use any money from Obama's last trillion-dollar stimulus bill to hire more police in order to prevent rape and murder? No, Flint spent its $2.2 million from the first stimulus bill on buying two electric buses. Even if what Flint really needed was buses and not cops, for $2.2 million, the city could have bought seven brand-new diesel buses and had $100,000 left over for streetlights. ... The 'green' buses were never delivered because the company went out of business -- despite a $1.6 million loan from the American taxpayer." --columnist Ann Coulter
Reader Comments

Publisher's Note: Every four years at this stage in the Republican presidential primary cycle, we publish a brief summary of candidate pros and cons, and thus subject ourselves to contemptuous criticism from graduates of the "shoot the messenger" school of politics. Notably, however, the "highest ratings" this year were no better than John McCain received four years ago -- just a thin notch above average, which is far removed from an enthusiastic endorsement of any of this year's candidates. By our assessment, though each candidate has their own subset of outstanding qualities, there is no candidate of the standing of Ronald Reagan among the GOP contenders, and even he would not have rated a perfect 10. If we have learned anything in all the election cycles we have endured, it is that there is no "perfect candidate," though if we could combine the strongest elements from the GOP contenders we could construct a very good one. That notwithstanding, let us repeat our conclusion: "At the end of this primary cycle, we WILL throw our full support behind the victor in order to defeat Barack Hussein Obama." We hope each of our readers will do the same.

"RON PAUL!" --numerous commenters

Alexander's Reply: As for RON PAUL!, predictably, a full third of the comments posted were from RON PAUL! supporters, and a number of those provide ample evidence why I noted that he doesn't pass the "nut job" test among most conservative voters. Based on those responses, it's clear that most respondents didn't even read the essay. They just scrolled to their candidate and started flaming, though we accurately identified Paul's strengths (which are admirable) and his weaknesses, and assigned him an overall ranking accordingly.

"As usual, with Obama's plan to use executive orders to enact his agenda, he still thinks he's above the law. Rules apply to the little people, not to him. He takes this attitude in an attempt to make himself look like the hero and to demonize Congress. Well, guess what? He's no hero; never will be." --Kathy

"As far as President Obama is concerned, it's 'What Constitution?' He has already TRAMPLED the Constitution as we know it and now he thinks he can run things without going through the House of Representatives and the Senate. I just don't understand how he and his cronies think!" --Malinda
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The Last Word

"I had thought that at this late date, Obama had apologized to every nation on earth, but I heard a rumor that he wanted to apologize to Japan for our having dropped the A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but that Japanese diplomats had nixed it. I don't blame them. It might call to attention the fact that Japan never apologized for Pearl Harbor; for the death march at Bataan; for the American, British and Australian, POWs they slaughtered; for their butchery in Manchuria, Burma and the Philippines; and for kidnapping thousands and thousands of Chinese and Korean women for use in their military brothels. But you can't really expect patriotism or even perspective from Obama. In the history lessons he received from his radical professors and his demented religious mentors, it's only the United States that has ever been guilty of crimes and atrocities." --columnist Burt Prelutsky

Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis!
Nate Jackson for The Patriot Post Editorial Team


#1 User is online William Finley

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Posted Today, 10:00 AM
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(Please see attached to this email a high-resolution photo of the first page of The Constitution. Be sure to zoom in for the detail!)

Article 1, Sections 1-3 of the Constitution describes the legislative authority and responsibilities of the US Congress that created a governing system based on the will of the people not on class, religion, inheritance, or political power. Furthermore, since the Constitution provides only 2 year terms for the "people's house", the House of Representatives, the voters can elect an entirely different set of representatives every two years, if they wish. That should prevent any need for revolution.

The US Constitution was adopted in 1787 and has been the model for most of the constitutions that have been written since then. However, not all the written constitutions have prevented revolution. For example, the current Egyptian Constitution was written in 1971 and amended in 2005. Yet Egypt's constitution has hardly been mentioned by the (mostly young) protestors and the media covering the event in recent weeks.

"We have to be steady to topple the government," said Ahmed Abdel Moneim, a 22-year-old student who had slept and protested in Cairo's Tahrir for days. "The French Revolution took a very long time so the people could eventually get their rights. ... If we have to spend our life to get rid of Mubarak, we will."[1]

Ahmed did not mention his own country's Constitution which was written in 1971, and amended as recently as 2005. He referred to a violent overthrow of King George XVI of France, who had helped the Americans with their revolution with England by providing loans, ships, weapons, ammunition and even military personnel like the Marquis de Lafayette, George Washington's aide.

The French Revolution began soon after the US Constitution was written. On July 14, 1789 thousands of people in Paris stormed the Bastille,[2] a prison. That event is still celebrated by the French as the "birth of democracy" and "a symbol of historical dimensions; it was proof that power no longer resided in the King or in God, but in the people, in accordance with the theories developed by the philosophies of the 18th century."

But what really happened in the French Revolution that Ahmed and his friends want to copy? It led to the reign of terror that saw more than 17,000 French men, women and children, including many clergymen, King George XVI and his wife, beheaded in the public square and to the genocide in the Vendee area of France[3], when from 25% to 50% of its population were slaughtered as they tried to protect their churches and clergymen. Do they want a modern Napoleon or the restoration of the Egyptian Monarchy - which began taking place a mere six years after Louis XVI was beheaded?

The Constitution of the United States was not written to create a democracy. It was written to create a republic which the founders hoped could not deteriorate into either a democracy or into a monarchy or dictatorship. To maintain its integrity, they created a government composed to three equal parts: executive, legislative and judiciary - that would check and balance each other while responding to the needs and hopes of the people.

Article 1 - Sections 1-3 create a legislature which is further divided into two parts: House of Representatives and Senate. Members of the House of Representatives, often called "the People's House, " serve for two years. The House is based on the population of each state and is intended to reflect the will and the interests of the people of each state. Article 1, Sec. 2 requires an "actual renumeration" or census be made every ten years to ensure an accurate representation in each state based on its population. The two-year term allows the voters maximum assurance that they can change their representatives quickly, based on events and their elected representative's service. The presidency and the senate serve longer terms because their responsibilities are designed to provide greater stability, wisdom and experience to the governing process.

The Constitution written in 1787 required that the Senators be chosen by the Assembly of each State, to insure strong State representation in the Federal government. Some delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention also felt, in the words of Alexander Hamilton, the need to "check the amazing violence and turbulence of the democratic spirit" by creating a body, similar to the English House of Lords, where the terms were for life. Others were concerned that long terms, or life time terms, would deteriorate into "an aristocratic upper house, insulated from popular opinion." And, the smaller states, like Delaware and Maryland, feared they would be permanently outvoted by majority rule based on population, as was practiced under the Articles of Confederation.

The compromise[4] provided a term of six years for senators, with one-third of the Senate being elected every two years, patterned in part after the Maryland upper house where the term was five years.

In 1913, the 17th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted giving the voters in each state, not the state assembly, the right to choose their senators.

According the James Madison in Federalist Paper #10,[5] a very deliberate and thoughtful effort was made to prevent the government from disintegrating as had most democracies in history by avoiding the creation of "factions" - and concentrating on building "unity." Unity also was one of the four principles George Washington felt would be required for the nation to survive and to prosper. Excerpts from James Madison's Federalist Paper #10:

"AMONG the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction. ...

"By a faction, I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community....

"There are two methods of curing the mischiefs of faction: the one, by removing its causes; the other, by controlling its effects.

"There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests.

"It could never be more truly said than of the first remedy, that it was worse than the disease. Liberty is to faction what air is to fire, an aliment without which it instantly expires. But it could not be less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction, than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imparts to fire its destructive agency...

"The second expedient is as impracticable as the first would be unwise. As long as the reason of man continues fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it, different opinions will be formed...

"The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man; and we see them everywhere brought into different degrees of activity, according to the different circumstances of civil society. A zeal for different opinions concerning religion, concerning government, and many other points, as well of speculation as of practice; an attachment to different leaders ambitiously contending for pre-eminence and power; or to persons of other descriptions whose fortunes have been interesting to the human passions, have, in turn, divided mankind into parties, inflamed them with mutual animosity, and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other than to co-operate for their common good...

"A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect, and promises the cure for which we are seeking. Let us examine the points in which it varies from pure democracy, and we shall comprehend both the nature of the cure and the efficacy, which it must derive from the Union...

'The two great points of difference between a democracy and a republic are: first, the delegation of the government, in the latter, to a small number of citizens elected by the rest; secondly, the greater number of citizens, and greater sphere of country, over which the latter may be extended...

"Hence, it clearly appears, that the same advantage which a republic has over a democracy, in controlling the effects of faction, is enjoyed by a large over a small republic, -- is enjoyed by the Union over the States composing it. Does the advantage consist in the substitution of representatives whose enlightened views and virtuous sentiments render them superior to local prejudices and schemes of injustice? It will not be denied that the representation of the Union will be most likely to possess these requisite endowments. Does it consist in the greater security afforded by a greater variety of parties, against the event of any one party being able to outnumber and oppress the rest? In an equal degree does the increased variety of parties comprised within the Union, increase this security. Does it, in fine, consist in the greater obstacles opposed to the concert and accomplishment of the secret wishes of an unjust and interested majority? Here, again, the extent of the Union gives it the most palpable advantage....

'The influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular States, but will be unable to spread a general conflagration through the other States. A religious sect may degenerate into a political faction in a part of the Confederacy; but the variety of sects dispersed over the entire face of it must secure the national councils against any danger from that source. A rage for paper money, for an abolition of debts, for an equal division of property, or for any other improper or wicked project, will be less apt to pervade the whole body of the Union than a particular member of it; in the same proportion as such a malady is more likely to taint a particular county or district, than an entire State. ...

'In the extent and proper structure of the Union, therefore, we behold a republican remedy for the diseases most incident to republican government. And according to the degree of pleasure and pride we feel in being republicans, ought to be our zeal in cherishing the spirit and supporting the character of Federalists."

Or, as George Washington put it, in his Farewell Address in 1796:[6]

"The unity of government which constitutes you one people is also now dear to you. It is justly so, for it is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence, the support of your tranquility at home, your peace abroad; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very liberty which you so highly prize."

[1] http://english.aljaz...2637371987.html -Al Jazeera -Feb.5,2011

[2] - French Embassy website - July 14, 2003

[3] http://en.wikipedia....the_Vend%C3%A9e - War in the Vendee - 1790-1793

[4] http://www.senate.go...on_Senate.htm#2 - US Senate

[5] http://www.constitut...ed/federa10.htm - James Madison - Federalist Paper #10

[6] -George Washington's Farewell Address

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Mary Mostert has written articles on political and social issues for more than 60 years, including a weekly newspaper column for Gannett Newspapers. She has written four books, including books on the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution. Her e-mail is and website is

The George Washington School of Freedom
2975 W. Executive Pkwy, Suite 183
Lehi, UT 84043


#1 User is online William Finley

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Group: Illinois Moderators
Posts: 177
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LocationOswego IL.

Posted Today, 07:51 AM

Illegals fleeing Alabama's tough new immigration laws are flooding into Florida, crushing the state budget and snatching up the few jobs remaining in the Depression ravaged Sunshine State.

amnesty tears With typical progressive, liberal short-sightedness, the Florida legislature failed to pass stronger immigration enforcement measures earlier in 2011. Yielding to hard lobbying by the Florida Chambers of Commerce and Big Agriculture, joining forces with Soros funded unions and media outfits, the Florida legislature caved to sanctuary type measures rather than Alabama, Arizona-type measures that are proving states can make and enforce laws to deter illegal immigration.

I urge you to fill out the electronic AMNESTY INJUNCTION FORM – NOW!


Florida citizens tried to warn State Legislators that failure to pass immigration enforcement laws similar to neighboring states would result in a massive influx of illegal aliens. But lawmakers, hypnotized by Chamber of Commerce and Big Ag campaign contributions refused to listen. Big Ag got cheap labor and Soros got the prospect of future Democrat voters. Florida citizens got the shaft.

"In failing to pass immigration enforcement, the Florida Legislature gave up a huge opportunity to rescue our state from financial crisis. We could have reduced our budget by $5.5 billion a year just by the fact that we would no longer paying to medicate, educate & incarcerate illegals in the state of Florida," said Debbie Gunnoe, Vice President of Unite In Action, Inc. and Florida resident.

Gun one added, "Now that our neighboring states are enforcing immigration laws, illegals are literally moving here in droves, driving up our costs and taking our jobs."

I urge you to fill out the electronic AMNESTY INJUNCTION FORM – NOW!

Just as Obama has unconstitutionally given amnesty to 300,000 illegal aliens by executive order, the Obama Administration has announced its intent to continue to fight the Alabama law. While this jackbooted action, also practiced on Arizona's tough immigration enforcement laws, may have had a chilling effect on the Florida legislature, it has held little sway in the courts to date.

Federal Courts have upheld Alabama's tough new illegal alien laws. Illegals fleeing the state are leaving behind empty seats in school rooms and open jobs and why sanctuary states like Florida are seeing an increase in the number of illegal aliens filling their classrooms and emergency clinics.

News reports confirm that Alabama classrooms have more than a few open seats. The day after Federal Courts upheld Alabama's tough new immigration laws, illegals are disappearing from Alabama in droves – leaving less crowded classrooms and a wide choice of suddenly available jobs.


One Alabama worker says he is glad to see the change. "We started to see a lot of illegals right after the big hurricanes a few years back. They pretty much took over all the construction and farm jobs down here ‘cause they knew the Feds wouldn't deport them. I'm glad Alabama is enforcing the law, because now us legal workers can get a job. Even if it's picking tomatoes, I don't care; I gotta take care of my family."

We have seen in Obama's political granting of Amnesty and suspension of immigration prosecutions, the Gun Walker scandal, the Fast & Furious murders of U.S. federal field agents, the escalating violence on the border, and the relentless Obama Administration judicial attacks on states like Arizona and now Alabama how determined Barack Obama is to ERASE American nationalism, and fling our borders wide open!


Obama is BLOCKING the deportation and prosecution of more than 300,000 illegals, offering "Executive Order Amnesty" and allowing criminals to stay in the U.S.

I urge you to fill out the electronic AMNESTY INJUNCTION FORM – NOW!

And DEMAND Congress SUPPORT H.R. 2497, the HALT ACT, to shut OBAMA'S AMNESTY DOWN!

Executive Order Amnesty is an aggressive but desperate ploy by Obama to harvest Hispanic votes in time for next year's general election. His approval ratings are cratering along with the economy; he is faced with growing criticism over the violent chaos at the border, the murderous Fast and Furious "gunwalker" scandal, and his blatantly cynical weakening of federal immigration law enforcement. Apparently, his only hope is to "legalize" the illegals in hopes of swinging upcoming elections with a pool of loyal new voters.

The wheeling and dealing is well underway. DEPORTATIONS AND IMMIGRATION PROSECUTIONS HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED. Those in the U.S. illegally are now signing up with the occupant of the White House to facilitate their demands to stay permanently and be rewarded with U.S. citizenship and the vote! And Obama is giving outright approval to this EXECUTIVE ORDER Amnesty, despite the illegal actions of criminal entrants to our country and their families, who broke U.S. law and illicitly crossed the border – and in many cases perpetrated violent, gang-related and drug cartel crimes!


Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) have stepped up to STOP Obama with the HALT Act. This piece of legislation will prevent the Department of Homeland Security from moving forward with this policy. The HALT Act, H.R.2497, which forbids the Obama Administration from:

Effectuating Amnesty via education or employment status
Issuing work authorizations
Extending voluntary departures
Authorizing temporary protection status for illegals
Executing deferred actions for illegals to work
Granting parole for criminal illegals
Authorizing cancellation of illegal alien removals

The HALT Act will thwart virtually all of Obama's illicit schemes to make illegal aliens U.S. citizens! We must issue Obama a clarion call that Americans DEMAND THE RULE OF LAW! That's why we need you to bury Congress with INJUNCTION FORMS demanding they stop Obama's Executive Order Amnesty scheme and support the HALT Act.

Recently Obama told illegals and the supporters of illegals at a La Raza conference that "The idea of doing things on my own is very tempting"… to bypass Congress and enact sweeping reforms that the United States People AND their elected Representatives have REJECTED! American voters repeatedly have said NO AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS but it seems the temptation to do things his own way is too much for Obama to resist! By enforcing Amnesty, Obama has completely circumvented both Congress and the will of the American People.



Are you prepared for Obama to grant over 20 MILLION illegals (including dangerous criminals) American citizenship? You better be – or you better be prepared to ACT NOW to stop it.

As a founding organization of the nationwide border security movement, the Minutemen are working hard to secure our borders and our freedom. Together, we must DEMAND Congress fight tooth and nail to stop Obama's Executive Orders and Directives game plan for Amnesty.

That's why I'm counting on you to sign your …

…And if you can afford it, please generously give a contribution of $20, $30, $50, $100 or more to MinutemanHQ to get this word out to your fellow Americans! But the threat is very real, and we MUST ACT.

So please sign your AMNESTY INJUNCTION FORM today!

Sincerely Yours For America,

Carmen Mercer
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project

P.S. Please, remember what is at stake – the security, the safety, the sovereignty, the prosperity – very possibly the very survival of not just Americans along our increasingly embattled border, but America herself.

For more information go to

Saturday, October 29, 2011


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Brandon Smith: Want To Defeat The Banks? Stop Participating In The System!
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By Brandon Smith * October 27 2011


Existentialists, of course, automatically jump to the conclusion that "Before The Law" is a message of the absurd nature of man's search for reason and structure in a universe of random coincidence. That "the law", as it were, is a superficial concept that humanity uses to make life more bearable. That we seek to create artificial social constructs in order to keep ourselves afloat in a sea of chaos. This is partly true. The law is, indeed, an abstraction conjured by men. However, the source of the most fundamental laws, being inherent conscience, is far from abstract. In fact, it is one of the few aspects of our existence that is undeniably tangible and universal. It is proof that all is NOT random, and that there is a meaning and a purpose to what we do here and now.

I see "The Trial" and "Before The Law" not as treatise on the futility of man's search for justice, but as a warning on the foolishness of man's dependency on systems not rooted in conscience. That is to say, we have a tendency to linger about idly while others make our decisions for us. We expect the system we live in to provide answers, to provide nurturance, to provide fairness, and to provide change where necessary. This expectation is a dangerous one.

Most social and political systems today are designed around collectivist methodologies. Their primary tool is centralization of power, and the removal of choice from the public consciousness. We are made to believe that the establishment is necessary for our survival, and that to abandon it would mean certain destruction. We are taught that the individual is subservient and inconsequential in the face of the state. This is simply not so. Like the traveler in "Before The Law", we have been defeated by our own expectations of how the law (or justice) works. We sit and wait for permission, when we should be charging through the gates and taking what is rightfully ours.

Even amidst recent and increasingly prevalent protest actions on the part of Occupy Wall Street groups, there are still some within these movements who believe the answer to fighting back against the corruption of banking cartels and puppet politicians is to hand even MORE power over to the state, and to collectivize our culture still further. The ignorance of this mentality is no less than astonishing.

The only practical strategy for combating the tyranny of centralized systems has been and always will be decentralization. Individuals must stop relying on the rules of a rigged game to see them through to the truth. This means that while mass protests are certainly a powerful tactic for voicing concerns on an international stage, they accomplish little to nothing in the way of meaningful change in the long run unless they are backed by individual actions to break away from dependency upon a poisoned political and economic framework.

Continue reading and comment here:


Illinois Tea Party News 10/29/11‏

12:56 PM
Reply ▼

Denise Cattoni

Flyer at Occupy Phoenix Ponders When you should shoot a cop

Obama's Chief of Staff - it's been brutal, Ungodly, we need to push the envelope

Pelosi Defends Obamacare Waivers To 1,800 Firms: "They're Small Companies"

Napolitano: Jailed Illegals Will Get Phone Number to Report Civil Rights Violations

Obama Flouts Own Fundraising Rules, Takes Lobbyist Cash Nancy Pelosi Admits The NLRB Should Decide Private Business Investment

FCC establishes fund to extend high-speed Internet to rural areas

New Hampshire may legalize civil unions for all -- even siblings

Rangel: 'Gridlock' necessitates that Obama use executive powers

Pay No Attention to that Inflation Behind the Curtain

Video: Obama Swings and Misses on Higher Ed Loans

Progressive Change Committee Visits John Boehner's office

Obama No Sunshine

Cair linked Muslin lawyer directing occupy Orlando

Napolitano silent on alternatives while criminal aliens released in US

What's so crazy about unity between occupiers, tea partiers?,0,6499299.story

Quinn Wants a Buttongate Probe

Occupy Chicago Wants to 'Collapse American Government'

Quinn wants probe of voting 'monkey business'

Tilllman Re-evalutes "Occupy is reaching independents"

Ill. Policy Institute CEO Tillman Is Just Plain Wrong About 'Occupy'

School District Must Pay Muslim Teacher for Trip to Mecca

#OccupyRacism!!! Steven Crowder
New video every Thursday! Cool Links! http://m...

In an exclusive and very frank interview with Politico, President Obama's Chief of Staff Bill Daley opened up about the first three years of the Administration, Obama's dismal poll numbers and plans to bypass Congress to push his through agenda. The details are HERE.

Protesters at various locations of Occupy Wall Street are going to face some pretty intense weather this weekend as a powerful storm bears down on the Northeast. One of the leaders is calling this their "Valley Forge Moment." See how the protesters are preparing HERE.

Is bookkeeping a problem for Occupy Chicago? -

-- Bill Daley: Rahm not so 'beloved' at White House

13 Soldiers killed in Afghanistan - Please pray for our soldiers!

Capitol Fax’s Miller Admits Chumminess With Pension Thieves

'Occupy Wall Street': Spontaneous Uprising or Far-Left Wing Conspiracy? - Bill O'Reilly

Obama pushes bite-size initiatives ahead of 2012 election

The Hill: On jobs, Obama presses Congress with 'we can't wait' message

Ohio ballot measure raises Democrats’ hopes for 2012
VIDEO CLIP: Weekly Republican Address 10/29/11: Rep. Bobby Schilling (R-IL)

ICLEI Agenda 21
Commissioner Richard Rothschild, a county level elected board member educates the public



Why is it that every single time Barack Obama intervenes in Middle Eastern affairs the net result is the implementation of Shariah Law?

Muslim Protesters

Obama Invades Libya: Victorious Libyan Rebels implementing Shariah Law

Obama Backs Egyptian Rebels: New Egyptian "Constitution" based on Shariah Law

Obama Supports Tunisian Rebels: New Tunisian justice system entirely based on Shariah Law

Obama Supports Palestinian State: PLO/HAMAS demand statehood based on Shariah Law

Obama Abandons Iraq: Leaving the young government with no protection from Hezbollah and extremist advocacy of Shariah Law

American foreign policy has always sought to foster freedom in the world. Yet Barack Obama's foreign policy continues to result in the implementation of Shariah Law – the absolute antithesis of freedom. Consider this, under Shariah Law:
Shariah punishment

"Infidel" and anyone critical of Islam or Muhammad must be killed

"Apostates" – anyone who leaves Islam – must be killed

"Adulterers" – including innocent victims of rape or even simply a woman who so much as looks at another man – be stoned to death

Husbands encouraged to beat their wives

Men encouraged to marry children as young as a few years old

Bloody "eye for an eye" style revenge, rather than justice, advocated

The legal system implements barbarian punishments including mutilation, dismemberment and even crucifixion

Total subjugation or annihilation of all religions other than Islam must be the goal of every Muslim citizen


Certainly, America should be decrying any foreign legal code that includes even one of the above elements. Yet Barack Obama continues to support Shariah-loving regimes that are marching across the Middle East focused on world domination.

America deserves and the world needs a President who understands liberty and will work to foster FREEDOM, not barbaric medieval so-called legal systems designed for world domination. As my mentor and friend President Ronald Regan said,

"America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere."

I believe this it true, and is America's destiny. We can once again be the beacon of freedom. Join me in the campaign to defeat Barack Obama. Let's get America's Beacon Light Shining Again!


Keep Faith,

Alan Keyes
Patriot PAC –

To send a check, please mail to:
PO Box 131728
Houston, TX 77219-1728



Muslim students claim Catholic University has "violated their human rights" by displaying crosses and refusing to create Islamic prayer rooms on the private Washington DC based college campus. The complaint even indicates that the University should remove the Basilica from Campus!


Shariah DominationClearly, the Muslims' intention in attending this particular school was not to obtain a quality education or even learn about a differing religion. Rather, their intention from the outset was obviously to disrupt a Catholic institution and strike yet another blow suing through the U.S. legal system, in their effort to bring Christendom into subjection. As the oldest continuing Christian institution in the West, dominating over Catholicism represents a prize jewel and therefore is a prime target of anti-Christian forces.

Yet, this is not simply a Catholic issue; this is an issue that all people of decent faith must rally around. Should Islam prevail against the Catholics, they will move to attack the Baptists, the Evangelicals, the Anglicans, the Methodists and every other Christian institution that stands in the way of a worldwide Islamic Caliphate, global Muslim domination and universal implementation of Shariah law.


Witness the success Islam has already achieved in places as far reaching as Palestine, Sweden and even London.

Palestine, the so-called mandated territory, once was home to many majority Christian communities. Now through Islamist murder and intimidation, the Christian population has dwindled to just 3%, and those few remaining Christians often must practice their religion in hiding for fear of deadly retribution by militant Muslims.

In Sweden, non-Muslim women are frequently accosted, beaten and even raped for appearing on the street without covering their heads with Islamic veils.

In London, the Muslims have successfully twisted British Hate Crime laws to the point where it is now illegal to make any comment that might be deemed disparaging toward Islam – even if the comment is entirely factual.


Now in America, Muslims are using our own laws in an attempt to cripple our freedom of religion with an end goal of implementing only Islam.

Will we be the generation who lost American religious freedom to Islam?

Will we be the generation who allowed Shariah law to become the law of our land?

Stand with me now! Not just for Catholic University. Not just for the American Jewish temples under attack… but for our God-given right of religious freedom that radical, militant Islam is committed to destroy for all infidels – unbelievers – Christians and Jews and atheists alike!

Fax Congress Now – tell them you support H.R. 973

We CAN stop the Islamic jihadists who are, right this very moment, seeking global domination and who in America are shredding the U.S. Constitution in their crazed attacks on freedom, liberty, and security. But time is short to contain the damage to our great country. Shariah must be stopped today.


I need you to answer our nation's call without delay. Please send your fax NOW.

Keep Faith,

Alan Keyes Signature

Alan Keyes
Americans United for Freedom

P.S. Islam and Shariah pose a threat to America's survival as a constitutional republic in an insidious fashion no penetrating alien ideology has ever posed before. In fact, through Islamic Shariah law, every last vestige of your freedom – and that of your children – could be stripped from you and shackles of bondage clamped upon your wrists. Now is the time to stand! Now is the time to act! Please fax your petition to Congress today, and add a generous gift to enable us to reach more Americans, and better defend your rights and freedom from those – like the purveyors of Islamic Shariah – who are hard at work devising plans to steal your liberty for all time.

To send a check, please complete and print a contribution page form
and mail it with your donation to this address:

Americans United for Freedom
PO Box 1310
Herndon, VA 20172

Friday, October 28, 2011


Of all the voter integrity issues we face, I am of the opinion the most serious is the use of electronic voting machines. They can be used to shave votes in tight districts, for example, and affect the outcome of elections. The fact that Diebold is the principle supplier of these machines - the same company that makes the bank teller machines - gives me little comfort in their integrity.

Begin forwarded message:

Voting machines litigation in the US Court in New York – vague and ambiguous court records suggest conduct of simulated litigation and fraud on the court

In Schulz et al v State of New York et al, the plaintiffs argued that their constitutional rights were violated by the use of electronic voting machines that are not open, verifiable, and transparent. At the conclusion of the 4-year litigation, US Judge Kahn found that the court had no subject matter jurisdiction. However, the litigation was commenced with invalid summons issued by the clerk of the court, numerous papers were filed by defendants as “Letter Motions”, resulting in “Order[s] on Letter Motion[s]”, no minutes were entered in the entire litigation, and the July 2011 Judgment is signed by neither a judge nor a deputy clerk and is not listed in the Judgment Index of the court. The case may be unique in showing the offices of the 50 state attorney generals colluding in the conduct of simulated litigation and fraud on the court.
[] [] [] []

Los Angeles, October 26 - Some of the US top computer and civil rights experts have repeatedly objected to electronic voting machines, as currently implemented, for being insecure and prone to voting fraud. [i]

In Schulz et al v State of New York et al (07-cv-00943), the plaintiffs (representing themselves) alleged that electronic voting machines that are not open, verifiable and transparent violate their voting rights.

The case, which was dismissed on July 7, 2011, purportedly for “lack of subject matter jurisdiction”, was commenced in 2007 by plaintiffs from all 50 states against the election of commissions of all states. In 2008, US Judge Kahn dismissed the complaints against all states but New York, concluding, “each of the Plaintiffs’ standing is limited so as to only have standing against the Individual Defendants in the Plaintiff’s own state.”

In the July 2011, Judge Kahn also dismissed the remaining complaint by the New York plaintiffs against the New York defendants “for lack of subject matter jurisdiction”, stating that “Plaintiffs have failed to establish a cognizable injury in this case, the Court finds that they lack standing to bring this case.” [ii]

However, review of the litigation record raises serious concerns that the case as a whole was conducted by the court and defendants’ attorneys as simulated litigation: [iii]

The litigation was commenced with invalid summons, bearing no seal of the court, [iv] and a civil cover sheet that failed to adequately list the plaintiffs and defendants. [v]
Numerous papers were filed by the defendants in an invalid manner, as “Letter Motion”, or “Letter Brief”, and resulted in “Order[s] on Letter Motion[s]”;
No minutes were entered in the entire litigation, invalid notes were listed in the docket instead, with no corresponding minute records;
The July 2011 “Judgment” was signed by neither the judge, nor by an authorized deputy-clerk, and is not listed in the Judgment Index of the court, either.

Like the electronic voting machines, the electronic record systems of the US courts (PACER and CM/ECF) have been repeatedly shown to be insecure and prone to fraud. [vi]

Moreover, according to Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO), there is no way for the public to verify the validity of any of the records displayed in the online record systems. Ever since the implementation of the electronic record systems, the US courts have been hiding the clerk’s electronic authentication records (NEFs Notices of Electronic Filing) from the public, in apparent violation of First Amendment rights. [vii]

In recent years evidence has been amassed of fraud in the US courts from coast to coast through the practice of simulated litigation, enabled by the electronic record systems of the US courts. “It’s a common charade. Any case in the US courts, involving banks or civil rights, is a suspect,” says Dr Zernik. [viii]

The fundamental problem is the same in the electronic voting machines and the electronic record systems of the courts. Paper systems, which were not infallible, but have evolved over centuries as open, verifiable and transparent, were replaced by obscure, unverified and nontransparent electronic systems.

“The tools are out there for creating open, verified and transparent systems for both the electronic voting machines and the electronic systems of the courts,” says Dr Zernik, “However, the US government has chosen to implement systems that fail to meet basic integrity standards in these two critical areas. Moreover, in both cases, the US government persists in its refusal to fix these systems, even in the face of indisputable evidence of large-scale fraud on the People.”
[i] [1] 10-08-28 Common Cause: Voting Machines Report - Malfunction and Malfeasance
[2] 10-04-19 Brennan Center for Justice Notice in Re: Unprecleared Voting Machines - violation of the voting act
[3] 05-00-00 Validating Voting Machine Software
[4] 05-05-19 MIT-Caltech: Auditing Technology for Electronic Voting
[5] 10-10-06 US Electronic Voting Machines - Made to Defraud - Wired Magazine
[ii] July 7, 2011 Memorandum-Decision and Order (Dkt #383); in 11-10-26 Schulz et al v State of NY et al (07-cv-00943) in the US Court, Northern District of New York compiled litigation records
[iii] Simulated Litigation here refers to cases, where the evidence shows conduct defined in the Texas Criminal Code as follows:

Texas Penal Code §32.48. SIMULATING LEGAL PROCESS.
(a) A person commits an offense if the person recklessly causes to be delivered to another any document that simulates a summons, complaint, judgment, or other court process with the intent to:
(1) induce payment of a claim from another person; or
(2) cause another to:
(A) submit to the putative authority of the document; or
(B) take any action or refrain from taking any action in response to the document, in compliance with the document, or on the basis of the document.
(b) Proof that the document was mailed to any person with the intent that it be forwarded to the intended recipient is a sufficient showing that the document was delivered.

The practice is widespread in both the state and US courts at all levels.
[iv] 8 USC 1691 says: "All writs and process issuing from a court of the United States shall be under the seal of the court and signed by the clerk thereof."
[v] October 10, 2007 Summons and Civil Cover Sheet; in 11-10-26 Schulz et al v State of NY et al (07-cv-00943) in the US Court, Northern District of New York compiled litigation records
[vi] [1] Zernik, J: Data Mining of Online Judicial Records of the Networked US Federal Courts, International Journal on Social Media: Monitoring, Measurement, Mining, 1:69-83 (2010)
[2] 11-08-01 Zernik, J: Fraud and corruption in the US courts is tightly linked to failing banking regulation and the financial crisis, 16th World Criminology Congress presentation
[3] 11-07-06 Request filed by Windsor and Zernik with US Attorney General Eric Holder for Review of Integrity of Public Access and Case Management Systems of the US Courts
[4] 10-10-11 Linzer, D. “In GITMO Opinion, Two Versions of Reality,” The National Law Journal, October 11, 2010
[vii] 11-05-20 NEF (Notice of Electronic Filing) in the US Courts Electronic Filing System (CM/ECF)
[viii] [1] 11-01-10 Request No 1 for investigation/impeachment proceedings, in re: US Judge JED RAKOFF and Clerk RUBY KRAJICK, US District Court, Southern District of New York, Conduct of Securities and Exchange Committee v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829)
[2] 10-12-19 RE: Securities and Exchange Commission v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829) - Addendum to Request No 1 for Investigation-impeachment of Judge Rakoff and Clerk Krajick
[3] 11-02-05 Request No 2 for Impeachment of Judge JED RAKOFF Clerk RUBY KRAJICK, US District Court, Southern District of New York, in Re Conduct of Lindner v Amex (1:10-cv-02228) s
[5] 10-12-07 Request for Investigation and if Appropriate - Impeachment Proceedings - against TERRY NAFISI - Clerk of the Court, US District Court, Central District of California s
[6] 11-01-25 Request for Impeachment of US Supreme Court Clerk WILLIAM SUTER
[7] 10-04-07 Sieverding et al v. United States Government (1:09-cv-00562) in the US District Court, Washington DC in re: Arrest and Imprisonment by Federal Agencies - Alleged Impeachable Misconduct by US Judge John D Bates
[8] 10-12-30 Lewis et al v Gleason et al (1:10-cv-01850) in the US District Court, Colorado Opinion Regarding PACER Docket and Court Records in a Civil Rights Matter
[9] 11-05-30 PRESS RELEASE: Judge Richard Leon, US District Court, DC master of the “Leave to file denied”
[10] 11-06-20 Requests for Investigation and Impeachment of Judge John Walter, Magistrate Carla Woehrle, Clerk Terry Nafisi, and others in the US District Court, Central District of California, in re: Fine v State Bar (2:10-cv-00048)
[11] 11-07-02 Request for Impeachments US Judge O’Tool, Clerk Thornton, Both of the US District Court, Massachusetts
[12] 10-12-06 Log Cabin Republicans v USA (2:04-cv-08425) at the US District Court, Central District of California: Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Evidence of Another Pretense Litigation by Judge Virginia Phillips
[13] 11-07-02 Request for Impeachments US Judge O’Tool, Clerk Thornton, Both of the US District Court, Massachusetts s
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
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