Tuesday, July 5, 2011


-- William Finley <wfinley11@live.com> wrote: 
>                                   RULE
>                          WHAT IS IT
>  "In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of
> confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the
> Constitution..." --Thomas Jefferson.
> Law Is it that no one knows what it is or do they even realize what it means. 
> RULE– an established regulation or guide for conduct procedure, usage,
>  government A regulation, edict commandment to govern 
>  LAW -  All the rules of conduct established by authority or custom of a nation,Bodies of law, code.,
>  constitution,criminal law,.
>  Rule of Law means to be Govern by a code of rules established by a Authority. 
> The Rule of Law for the United States of America is our Constitution and Bill of Rights. 
> The Authority that established this Rule of Law are We the People of the United States of America. 
> By what authority did we institute this Rule of Law if you read our Declaration of Independence it is 
> by the Authority of Free men and women who are endowed with this right form our Creator to secure these 
> rights BY INSTITUTING THIS Rule of Law call the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Read the preamble of our 
> Constitution it tells us that we the People of the United States of America did Ordain and establish this 
> Constitution of the United States of America to secure the blessings of LIBERTY. We can not secure our
>  Liberty through political parties who believe it is their right to Govern according to their party ideology
>  or by politics nor by any form of governing that dos not line up with the Constitution. It's time to face the truth,
>  Those who Govern  have put aside our Constitution and have not Governed according the Rule of Law but by the Ideology
>  of their party which is based on the agenda of men and not our Constitution. So look at what is happening we our loosing
>  our Liberty,our Representation and voice in our Government what can be done about it.
> Well our Declaration of Independence reveals to us that as free Men and Women when any form of government becomes 
> destructive of our unalienable Rights. That it is our Right to alter or abolish it, and also reveals  that it is by our
>  Authority we are to institute a Government , laying its foundation on principles and powers that will secure our Liberty 
> for now and all time those Principles are The Constitution of the United States of America. WHICH IS THE RULE OF LAW FOR 
> I think Thomas Jefferson answered that question That when it comes to the rule of Law do not but our confidence in 
> men but in our Constitution. Which is a flawless in its ability to Govern and that guards against being Governed
>  by the Ideology of men.
>   How did Alexander Hamilton state it?
> The present Constitution is the standard to which we are to cling. Under its banner , bona fide must we 
> combat our political. If we are going the save our Liberty and Nation it will only be by restoring, and
>  enforcing the Rule of Law.
> By William M. Finley                       
>                           WHAT IS IT
 "In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of Confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution..." --Thomas Jefferson.
Law! Is it that no one knows what it is or do they even realize what it means? RULE– an established regulation or guide for conduct procedure, usage,
 government a regulation, edict commandment to govern: 
 LAW: - All the rules of conduct established by authority or custom of a nation, Bodies of law, codes and constitution, criminal law. Rule of Law means to be governed by a code of rules established by a Authority. The Rule of Law for the United States of America is our Constitution and Bill of Rights. The Authority that established this Rule of Law is “We the People of the United States of America”. By what authority did we institute this Rule of Law if you read our Declaration of Independence it is by the Authority of Free men and women who are endowed with this right form our Creator to secure these rights BY INSTITUTING THIS Rule of Law call the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Read the preamble of our Constitution it tells us that we the People of the United States of America did Ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America to secure the blessings of LIBERTY. We cannot secure our Liberty through political parties who believe it is their right to Govern according to their party ideology, or by politics, nor by any form of governing that does not line up with the Constitution. It's time to face the truth; those who govern have put aside our Constitution and have not governed according the Rule of Law but by the Ideology of their party, which is based on the agenda of men, and not our Constitution. So look at what is happening; we are losing our Liberty, our Representation and voice in our Government! What can be done about it?
Well our Declaration of Independence reveals to us that as free Men and Women when any form of government becomes destructive of our unalienable Rights. It is our Right to alter or abolish it, and also reveals that it is by our authority we are to institute a Government, laying its foundation on principles and powers that will secure our Liberty for now and all time those Principles are The Constitution of the United States of America. This IS THE RULE OF LAW FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I think Thomas Jefferson answered that question that when it comes to the rule of Law do not but our confidence in men but in our Constitution; which is flawless in its ability to Govern and that guard against being governed by the Ideology of men.
  How did Alexander Hamilton state it: The present Constitution is the standard to which we are to cling! Under its banner, bona fide must we 
combat our political. If we are going the save our Liberty and Nation it will only be by restoring, and enforcing the Rule of Law.
By William M. Finley                       
>     Welcome
>     to WTP's Constitution Lobby!
> Institutionalizing
>     Citizen Vigilance
> The
>     Articles
>     of Freedom establishes
>     the conceptual foundation 
> guiding the mission of the
>     Constitution Lobby project.
>     In every state capitol, there is a
>     building with a dome on top. When people see those buildings,
>     they instinctively know that’s where the government is doing it
>     for, or to The People.  
>     I hold the vision that one day soon,
>     there will be another building in every state capital, in the
>     likeness of Jefferson’s “Monticello,” his home in Virginia
>     that was designed by him.  I see those buildings adored by
>     the People as permanent “citizen vigilance centers,” manned
>     with paid constitutional attorneys and staff relying on hundreds
>     of “constitutional monitors” located across the State and
>     reporting to an “interdisciplinary” Board of Directors. These
>     Citizen Vigilance Centers will serve the People of the State
>     intent on holding their elected officials accountable through
>     civic education and civic action, with no deference to politics,
>     in utmost respect and defense of the greatest governing documents
>     ever given to mankind.
>     Who does the Government need to hear
>     from: hundreds of thousands of their constituents, organized and
>     standing with each other, single-minded in purpose, resolve
>     and determination on constitutional matters, commanding
>     respect and response, intelligent, rational and professional in
>     their approach and drawing on the power and resources only a
>     mass-movement can bring; Or, a loosely
>     assembled, make-shift operation of individuals and small
>     groups, un-organized, under-whelming and under-capitalized?  
>     The People, shall either rally around
>     the Divine Rights of Free Men, the Constitution and the Rule of
>     Law, putting America back on Her Course as only they can, or
>     continue to rely on the promises and assurances of men and
>     experience more debt, dependency and decay as they experience
>     the great unraveling of the Great American Experiment.
>     For each
>     reader of this message, it is truly, now, up to you.
>     Robert L. Schulz
> Founder –
>     We The People Foundation
> Web site {the wtp constitution

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