Conservative Patriot
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Lee Gliddon <>
To: ReviewJournal <>; Review Journal Ben Spillman <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 5:06 PM
Subject: Threats to Military, Vets and Seniors
To date Obama has threatened to halt payments to our military, Veterans and Social Security recipients if he can't have his way. Never mind the fact that our Military and Veterans paid for their pay with great risks of harm and, in some cases, loss of life. Not to be forgotten is the facts that the vast majority of Social Security recipients paid for their own Social Security as it was deducted from their paychecks as they worked for a living.
The numbers of Welfare recipients as well as Food Stamp recipients have increased sharply under Obama yet does he threaten to reduce their money by any amount whatever?
There are entire families of Muslims in Michigan receiving welfare that are not even citizens, but are utilizing multiple names of multiple wives to 'game' the system. Illegal Aliens all across the U.S.A. are getting welfare as well as free health care. Additionally, there are welfare recipients across America that are getting free cell phones along with free minutes all paid for by our government. Do you hear any threats of Obama curtailing any of their money?
If you wonder about the, 'why,' Obama does not threaten their money, wonder no more. Folks he is depending on their votes to gain reelection!
It appears as if only the protectors and producers of America are worthy of Obama's threats.
Lee S Gliddon Jr
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