Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Why Celebrate America in DC? (July 1-19, DAR Constitution Hall)

June 25, 2014 
The political climate is increasingly more divided, the economy worsening, our enemies strengthening and our forces depleting. We resemble nations of past who have imploded and had prosperity and freedom, destroyed from within. This truth which was once known as fact, is now called "radical" by those seeking to oppress it. Political correctness preaches tolerance for everything that we once questioned and dismantles everything we did not. Our Constitution and God given rights are fading through every act of compliance by the unyielding pressures to conform or be persecuted. Consent to each infringement upon these rights, is dissent from liberty.
What is liberty? Liberty is freedom, with morals to guide the society. Freedom without morals, is a society where justice is not served. Too often now, the pressure to conform and give up pieces of our liberty, is from those who abuse their authority and power. Even worse is the fact we continue to elect them, read and watch their media and let them feed us lies and propaganda without recourse. This only fuels the fires brought on by those who base their conclusions on fear for themselves and their families, and determine it is better to rely on new laws and more government, to eliminate this fear. Yet, it is those same people who tell us what we can and cannot do, that are the first to exempt themselves from the same rules. Not only are these abusers of liberty elitist, they are clearly racist. They view the majority of Americans as unable to think and act within our moral standards, yet it is those same morals they dismiss as irrelevant. It is increasingly evident that many of our citizens are out of touch with this reality and feeling helpless, they rely on their faith in God to solve the problems.
We know that history is doomed to repeat itself if we have not learned and planned a new course accordingly, yet we are doing just that. We need some type of awakening... a unifying event, based not on fear (like 911), rather on our commonalities as human beings. We must remember why our forefathers fought and fled tyranny, corruption and religious persecution, because the great number of people around the world still look to us as the"land of the free and the home of the brave." It is time to be brave, if we are to stay free.
WE NEED another spiritual awakening like those of our past, if we hope to keep "liberty and justice for all".
Join host Rodney Howard Browne, from The River Church in Tampa, Fl., mega-church pastors, educators, Constitutional experts, entertainers, military leaders, combat wounded, veterans and politicians from around this great nation, July 1-19 in Washington, DC. at DAR Constitution Hall, next to the White House. This three week long speaking series is meant to inspire us and bring GOD back into our conversations about our national future. Representing pastors are from some of the largest, black, white, Latino and Jewish communities,and will deliver their message of HOPE and why unifying under our mutual creator, cannot wait another day!
Get your free tickets at: Check your local listings for this nationally televised event. Read the media coverage through our event partners, The Washington Times.

"God is not done with America yet!" - Pastor Rodney Howard Browne

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