Monday, April 21, 2014


Attention!!! Urgent Request From Bundy Ranch — Spread Far & Wide!!!

John Baptist Kotmair, Jr., Fiduciary


Below is an email I just got from someone whose husband is on the ground in Nevada at the Bundy Ranch…..she would like this spread far and wide in a call for help! Please read below…..To contact her directly you will find her email below.

From: Susan D[mailto: 

To: Sue D

Subject: Update from NV

Hi Everyone,

Apparently some people are having trouble viewing my Facebook page and one person suggested that Facebook may be trying to block my site.  Is anyone familiar with this happening and what I can do about it?  In the meantime I need you to post and share this update for me so people will know what's going on


I'm talking with Jerry right now. (At about 10:30 EST)  He said that a Law Enforcement Officer told him last night that Federal agents are being moved into Las Vegas. The Officer claimed that there were about 140 agents in the city. Recon sent in by Jerry found that there are more agents than can be counted! The hotels are being filled with Federal Agents, Rangers and FBI arriving in unmarked vehicles. Most of the vehicles are white, some are black. They are being parked in secure areas and are under lock and key and some are in back parking as well. So no one can nosing around. Never mind those who may be flying in. They're obviously building up for something. Three guesses what they could be up to. More Patriots are needed out there. Rotation is indeed in place. The Patriots who are there need all the help they can get in every way possible. It's still very serious out there. Las Vegas is 80 miles away from the Bundy property. So maybe an hour a half away. NOT FAR!! If you're planning to answer to the call, gear up and bring food. They're running a little low right now and Pray, Pray, Pray. Please share this one like mad!!!

Yours Truly,

Sue D.

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