Friday, September 16, 2011


New Japanese Military Installation In Marysville Ohio
September 12, 2011
By J. Michael Warner
BREAKING NEWS: In a very surprising move today President Barack Obama signed Presidential Executive Order 23954 authorizing a Japanese military base to be built next to the Honda manufacturing facility in Marysville Ohio. Obama authorized what he called a small contingent of Japanese soldiers, approximately 2300, to be stationed at the base complete with armored personnel carriers, tanks and artillery.
The reason given by Obama for this action is that with all the terrorist activity occurring within the United States it is felt that the Japanese government should shoulder some of the responsibility for protecting their interest here in the United States. It is also my understanding that the land being made available for this Japanese military installation has been appropriated by using imminent domain laws and is being exchanged with Japan for $730 billion in Federal Reserve Bonds. Apparently Japan had loaned the United States $730 billion and wanted to cash out.
I called Mayor White to find out what was going on and was not able to get through to him. His secretary told me that he was “not available for comment”. I was told “off the record” that several militia organizations have made threats of violence and have sworn that no Japanese soldier will be allowed on Ohio land. These militia soldiers, mostly farmers with shot guns, compound bows, and a little anhydrous ammonia are not thought to be to dangerous or plentiful.
Other than a few crazies most people in Marysville seem to be very receptive to the new Japanese military installation. Ann Frank, a homeowner in Marysville said, “This is a really smart move by President Obama. The building of the new Japanese military base will bring really well paying construction jobs and with this economy we have a lot of men that could use the work.” Obama also put in the executive order that for every 100 Japanese soldiers on the new military base, one American must also be employed to work on the base. Americans will be hired to work in the stores on post, work in the laundry and dry cleaning shops and in the dining facilities.
it looks to me like if Ohio can keep the nut job militias in line the economy is going to get a real shot in the arm!

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