Tuesday, June 28, 2011


June 28, 2011
CONSERVATIVE NEWS FROM THE FRONT is your daily wrap-up of conservative and Tea Party news.  ConservativeHQ.com is a community of principled, constitutional conservatives.  For media inquiries, contact Bob Sturm or Ryan Rogge at (703) 392-7676.

To read additional articles, and to vote in the CHQ polls,
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Over a thousand CHQ activists have signed the pledge!
By Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman, ConservativeHQ.com -- Join them today!  Get at least two of your friends to join.  Together we can win the battle for fiscal sanity and survive!

It's official:  She's in!

CNN - And no Republican presidential candidate is better positioned to capitalize on the recent tide of conservative anger toward President Barack Obama than Michele Bachmann.

Michele Bachmann's leadership IQ

Washington Post - You probably have not thought of all these reasons why Michele Bachmann is proving to be such a forceful leader.

A unique way to donate to Michele's campaign

Huffington Post - Doesn't Tim Pawlenty remember that he is also running for President?  (Can you be so boring that you forget your own candidacy?)  Pawlenty's PAC site solicits money for Michele Bachmann's campaign... yes, you read that right.

Minnesota Democrats say:  Be scared...be very scared...

Huffington Post - ...of Michele Bachmann.  They warn Democrats across the nation that she's a smart, focused, very dangerous Palin.

New blog exposes state regulatory abuses

Washington Examiner -- It's not just the feds.  Mark Fitzgibbons' important new blog, CharityRegulatorWatch.com, focuses on abuses and potential abuses by state regulators entrusted with overseeing charities, non-profits, and other philanthropic organizations.    
Jamie Radtke sees major role for Tea Party in 2012 election

Fox News - The Tea Party's candidate for U.S. Senate in Virginia is joined on Fox News by Matt Kibbe, president of FreedomWorks; and Mark Meckler, cofounder of the Tea Party Patriots.

Tea Party activists talk 2012

CNN Political Ticker - Bachmann, Paul, and Perry have strong support in the group, but a number of Tea Party leaders lament the "weak field" of presidential candidates.

Can the Tea Party survive a debt ceiling deal?

Talking Points Memo - The debt ceiling vote is the single most dangerous moment for the Tea Party movement.  Soon everyone will be too focused on 2012 to care about the last fight. In such a scenario, can the Tea Party remain a credible force?

South Carolina primary may become a caucus

The State - Due to budget problems, South Carolina's much-watched first-in-the-South Republican presidential primary could become a far less important first-in-the-South caucus.

Utah's grassroots not overwhelmed by either candidate

Roll Call - Despite the "Mormon primary," retail campaigning is tepid and it's basically a fundraising race.  In terms of name recognition (Romney vs. Huntsman), it's pretty much a wash.

Cain campaign hit by resignations

Politicons - Strategic differences, lack of operational funds, cited by New Hampshire state director and regional field director.  Recent polls showed Cain with 4% support in the state.

Gallup takes a close look at religion and voting

Gallup - It's a consistent pattern.  Very religious Americans tend to vote Republican, the nonreligious tend to vote Democratic.  The moderately religious are also moderately more Democratic.

The enigma of Jon Huntsman

Wall Street Journal - After a delightful romp through the field of GOP candidates, Peggy Noonan seems to think Jon Huntsman would be a better (and happier) Secretary of State than President.

DeMint makes first endorsement for 2012

The Hill - It's official: the full force of Jim DeMint's Senate Conservatives Fund will be behind young Josh Mandel in Ohio. Watch out Democrats.

LA Tea Partiers launch first TV show

FOX News - After a sold-out debut in Los Angeles, it's now available for all to purchase on DVD.  Colony Bay Productions hopes direct grassroots sales will finance future episodes and projects.
ACU to expand its political ratings
Washington Times - The American Conservative Union, known for its congressional ratings, will now grade lawmakers in Florida, Ohio, Nevada, Virginia, and North Carolina.

CHQ POLLS (Please join the CHQ community to vote):
The Daily Debate
Should Chris Christie enter the GOP presidential race?

CHQ Monthly Straw Poll:
Cast a new vote in the month of June's CHQ Straw Poll on the 2012 GOP presidential nomination?
(Cast a new vote each month!)
To read additional articles, and to vote in the CHQ polls, visit ConservativeHQ.com.

Richard Viguerie

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