Thursday, August 6, 2015

The GOP's Pre-Destined Failure on Iran Explained | Restoring Liberty

The GOP's Pre-Destined Failure on Iran Explained | Restoring Liberty


images (70)President Obama’s hopes for a globalist pact integrating economies on four continents ran aground in Hawaii on Friday.
Trade negotiators from 12 nations announced Friday they failed to reach a deal on the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership, TPP.

TPP would be the largest-ever economic regulatory treaty,
encompassing more than 40 percent of the world’s gross domestic product.
Secretary of State John Kerry said the pact will merge the U.S. economy
with Mexico and ten others nations, including Canada, Japan, Vietnam,
Malaysia and the Islamic Sultanate of Brunei.

The latest round of talks in Hawaii had been expected to yield an
agreement to conclude the TPP. The president pressed Congress to
surrender its ability to amend the pact, saying that would enable him to
quickly wrap up the negotiations. The House and Senate agreed, and gave
President Obama the enhanced power, known as trade promotion authority,
after a series of controversial votes in June.

But the president’s promises proved false.

Negotiations stalled when national governments failed to accede to
corporatist demands to open their borders and allow “people, goods,
capital and information to flow freely through the zone,” as Japanese
Trade Minister Akira Amari described TPP’s goals at a news conference
Friday evening.

U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman said he agreed with Amari on
what “we’ve been trying to achieve in these negotiations” and “the
larger exercise here of integrating the Asian Pacific region.”

A key sticking point in the negotiations was pharmaceuticals, reported Associated Press.

Striking a deal over how long to protect data used to develop
biologic drugs was described as the biggest source of frustration by a
source from a non-U.S. negotiating nation.

U.S. drug manufacturers want 12 years, but Australia wants five. A
compromise of seven or eight years is seen as a possible compromise.

“The US was on one side of the issue, while practically every other
country were on the other side,” the source told Associated Press.

“Neither side was prepared to move and all claimed it as a red-line issue.”

That proposed pact would integrate the U.S. economy with one of the
world’s most notorious slave states, Malaysia, where millions of men
women and children are routinely sold into forced labor and the sex
trade. WND has reported the administration came under fire for issuing a
human rights report that critics say whitewashed Malaysia’s record in
order to expedite the TPP negotiations.

The failure to reach an agreement assures TPP will be an issue in
next year’s presidential contest. Insurgent candidates Donald Trump on
the right and Bernie Sanders on the left oppose the deal, pressing
establishment candidates to take a stand on a pact that is deeply
unpopular with voters across the political spectrum. (Re-posted with
permission from the author, “Obama’s TPP Trade Deal Hits the Wall”,
originally appeared HERE)


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