Wednesday, April 29, 2015

NFL's Benjamin Watson's Facebook Post on Baltimore Riots Goes Viral: "God is our Only Hope" | Restoring Liberty

NFL's Benjamin Watson's Facebook Post on Baltimore Riots Goes Viral: "God is our Only Hope" | Restoring Liberty

Here is the amazing thing about what is happening with our black citizen for those of us who our old enough to remember the sixty's we are hearing many of the same issues we heard then. just like now it took the death of one of our black citizens Mr. King  to bring everything to a breaking point. The reality is that those who our black citizens have elected have failed the represent them! If they represented  them first they would have done something the wealthy  taking away our jobs and sending them over seas! Secondly they have they would have secured our borders and stop illegal allies from coming in and taking what jobs were left! Thirdly  have stop Obama's illegal executive immigration order!

Fourthly    they they would have put a stop to the wasteful spending of our tax dollars and address the issues of those communities we know  why there is poverty there are no jobs what job there are go to the legals so that the greedy business men can have their slave, but why is that their schools so poor, why is it the neighborhoods are run down and gangs rule! Why is it good parents  have to worry about their kids going to school or just out! Why is

that our black citizens don't seem to have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? The answer is not race i'm not saying race isn't a issue it is on both sides with some, But the realty is the problem is with those we have elected to govern!



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