We, the People, in order to maintain our independence from any oppressor, to protect our Rights as Free Men and Women, to secure the blessings of liberty for our posterity, and to document our Resolve to resist any external or internal force which may seek to curtail those Rights make this affirmation:
All sovereignty originates with the Creator, and is gifted to the individual; from where it is delegated to the family, the family to the State, the State to the Nation. Any corruption of this order violates Natural Law and the God-given Rights of the People.
WHEREAS, all political power is inherent in the People, and
WHEREAS, the Natural Rights of Persons are unalienable, and any violation of these rights is cause for remuneration and/or punishment, and
WHEREAS, according to the Declaration of Independence, the purpose of government is "to secure these rights," and
WHEREAS, a government that has become destructive of these rights has abused its authority, and
WHEREAS, history has shown that the further away governments are removed from the People, the more corrupt and oppressive they become, and
WHEREAS, the Officers of our governments have taken an Oath or Affirmation to support and defend the Federal, and State Constitutions, and
WHEREAS, the Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and
WHEREAS, certain unelected, supra-national bodies seek to usurp the authority of the United States Constitution, and therefore the actions of these bodies are incompatible with the Liberty of the People of the United States, and
1 Learn more about the subject matter of this Article: In June of 2008 and again in August of 2009, every member of Congress and the President were Petitioned for Redress of Grievances relating the then latest, unlawful and unconstitutional action by the Government to undermine the sovereignty of the People, the States and the Union itself, in this case, the attempt to create a North American Union. The People and their Petitions were ignored; read the SOVEREIGNTY Petition. See the related CC 2009 video presentations: Tom DeWeese, Executive Director, American Policy Center and First Delegate from Virginia – Sovereignty and the North American Union.
Call to Action: Go to Take the Nationwide Civic Action Pledge. Join millions of others.
WHEREAS, the Declaration of Independence declares Man's Right to establish governments to secure his Liberty, and alter or abolish those which do not, and
WHEREAS, the Concept of exclusive Judicial Review of Constitutionality is not to be found anywhere in the Federal Constitution, and
WHEREAS, the 9th and 10th Amendments to the Federal Constitution clearly indicate that all powers not enumerated in the Federal Constitution are reserved to the States or the People; and
WHEREAS, the States are not ruling on Constitutionality; it is the responsibility of the People, as the final arbiters of the Constitution, to decide on what is or is not Constitutional, and
WHEREAS, this Body, is a body made up of the People who are able to instruct our servant government, and
WHEREAS, We, the People, do not consent to supra-national bodies which may or may not seek to become a world, or even regional, governing body,
THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, that : We, the People do hereby declare ourselves to be independent of all supra-national bodies; including but not limited to: The United Nations (UN) and any subsidiary thereof, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), any so-called Free Trade agreements and organizations (such as WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT); any association or group which seeks to subvert the Constitution (such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission); and that we declare any treaties that these bodies create to be null and void.”
And Be it Resolved, that: We the People do not consent to tyranny, and we will actively resist any infringement upon our Liberty, as described in the Declaration of Independence, and which has been secured by the Constitution for the United States, and which springs from the stirring of our own hearts and souls.”
Be it further Resolved, that: We, the People reaffirm our unalienable Rights as they are enumerated in the Declaration of Independence which states, in part, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these rights, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government, laying its foundations once again on the principles of Liberty and Freedom. We further affirm the Right of the People to organize government powers in such a form that shall seem mostly likely to them to secure their unalienable rights, including but not limited to: Life, Liberty, Property, the Pursuit of Happiness, and Self-governance, through the utilization of any and all means available to them.
Be it further Resolved, that: this Body appeals to the People to secure their sovereignty by any and all means necessary. This body recognizes that if or when force is brought to bear on the People, it is the Right of the People to meet that force with equal force; be it from a foreign body, or the misuse of domestic power. Any infringement on the Liberty and Freedom of the People as enumerated in the Constitution is an act of WAR against the people and the People and their Militias have the Right and Duty to repel it.
Be it further Resolved, that: this Affirmation serves as notice to any and all would-be oppressors that the People's resolve shall not be questioned, and no person or group has the Right to exert their will upon another. The strength of our convictions is deep and powerful; and these are tested
Call to Action: Go to Take the Nationwide Civic Action Pledge. Join millions of others.
at great risk to our would-be oppressors. If this tyranny is brought to our doors, then the consequences will be brought to theirs.
Congress and the Legislatures of each of the Several States shall reaffirm the fundamental political and legal principles that:
The Declaration of Independence is the Original and Supreme Assertion of the Independence and Sovereignty of We the People and as such, it constitutes the Great and Indispensible Charter and Guarantee of our Freedom and Liberty.
The Declaration of Independence asserts that We the People have “assume[d] among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them”; and that the original thirteen Colonies took upon themselves the status of “Free and Independent States” with “full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do”.
The purpose of the Constitution of the United States is to provide a Charter for the Government of the People of the United States in their “separate and equal station” that they have assumed “ among the powers of the earth” through the formation of “a more perfect Union” among the States. Through this Union, the Sovereignty of the People is exercised through a federal government under the control of the People and for their benefit. Therefore, the Constitution cannot serve any international, supra-national, anti-national or merely private function that would infringe upon the right of the People to that separate and equal station that the Declaration of Independence guarantees them.
The Constitution of the United States, as the Supreme Law of the Land, is based upon the Principles of Liberty stated in the Declaration of Independence. Therefore, the Oath or Affirmation taken by all government officials at every level to protect and defend the Constitution also binds them to support those principles in the Declaration of Independence.
Therefore, no public official may lawfully take any action whatsoever that:
i. results in the surrender, alienation or delegation of the sovereignty of the People of the United States
ii. by entangling alliances, special relationships, or through political or economic subservience, advances the interests of any other nation, international organization, supranational entity or private organization at the expense of the sovereignty of the United States.
Any such action by a public official is a violation of that individual’s Oath or Affirmation of Office and is therefore treason against the Constitution for the United States of America.
Call to Action: Go to Take the Nationwide Civic Action Pledge. Join millions of others.
We hereby instruct Congress to repeal all legislation for which it cannot show constitutional authority under the enumerated powers of Article I, Section 8.
We hereby instruct our State Legislatures to:
1. Adopt State Sovereignty Resolutions that assert the power of the State to treat as null and void all federal legislation that exceeds the enumerated powers of Congress under the Constitution; and to enforce such resolutions by the interposition of the State to protect its citizens from unconstitutional federal legislation.
2. Demonstrate principled leadership: Strengthen the State's power to protect its citizens; and completely and forever eliminate the most common means of federal coercion by refusing all federal funds that are not specifically authorized by the Constitution.
3. Encourage the true and proper “general welfare” of the State by repealing state welfare legislation. Thus, leave the citizens free to build strong families, exercise true individual charity and rebuild actual community through voluntary association rather than government coercion.
WHEREAS, federal violations of the General Welfare Clause cannot be truly reversed without a voluntary resumption of personal responsibility, we urge our fellow citizens to join us in promoting the true “general welfare” of the United States through the following citizen actions. We call upon the People to:
1. Break the chains of government dependence by refusing to participate in any unconstitutional government welfare program, whether individual or corporate, including but not limited to: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, grants, subsidies, or any other form of federal welfare;
2. Make informed choices regarding health insurance, vaccinations, mental health screenings, dietary supplements, medications and other health decisions based on personal choice, and not merely in obedience to intrusive and offensive federal laws, with a willingness to disobey such laws when conscience or reason dictate;
3. Seek out information about companies that use federal and state governments as their agents to rob us of our wealth and enrich themselves through bailouts, grants, subsidies and other corporate welfare, and to communicate to them our refusal to do business with them while they persist in their thievery;
4. Refuse support to churches, religious organizations and charities that denigrate our
Call to Action: Go to Take the Nationwide Civic Action Pledge. Join millions of others.
Constitution by availing themselves of unconstitutional government programs rather than voluntary charity; and instead to vigorously and generously support churches and religious organizations that boldly stand for the Principles of Liberty enshrined in our Constitution; and, additionally, to rebuild strong community structures on the basis of voluntary association rather than government coercion.
5. Refuse to give the federal government absolute control over our children's education while compelling us to pay for it; and to practice our parental rights by providing our children education at home or through private institutions, thereby protecting them from harmful, dishonest, and subversive government indoctrination.
6. To live our lives as free individuals, not ceding any authority to the federal government which we have not expressly granted to it in our Constitution; and to disobey, when appropriate, any unconstitutional laws; and use every means at our disposal to challenge usurpations through the courts, political action, and any other means deemed necessary.
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